APNIC Member Meeting (AMM)Internet governance: What does it mean for IP addressing?APNIC has been actively involved in regional and international meetings on WSIS and WGIG. This panel session will open the APNIC Member Meeting and further engage the community in discussions about Internet Governance and its potential impact on IP addressing. Panelists will explain their viewpoints and thoughts on issues and challenges for the region. There will be time open for questions and discussion from the floor. Prominent members of the community to be part of the panel include:
Akinori MaemuraAkinori Maemura started began his Internet career in 1994 as a Network Engineer with NEC Corporation, helping to build their IP backbone network. He has been an active member of both the Japanese and Asia Pacific Internet communities, and was a Founding Committee Member of JANOG (the Japan Network Operators' Group) in 1997, has been an APNIC Executive Council member since 2000, Chair of the APNIC EC since 2003, and Director of the JPNIC IP Department since 2002. In terms of Internet governance, he is a member of IGTF-JP - Internet Governance Task Force of Japan and Government Liaison Group. He currently works for France Telecom Research & Development Tokyo. Geoff HustonGeoff Huston has been closely involved with the development of the Internet since 1989, particularly within Australia, where he was responsible for the initial build of the Internet within the Australian academic and research sector. He is the Senior Internet Research Scientist at the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre, the Regional Internet Registry serving the Asia Pacific region. He is a member of the Board of the Public Interest Registry, the .org global registry operator. He was an inaugural Trustee of the Internet Society, and served as Secretary of the Board of Trustees from 1993 until 2001, with a term of service as Chair of the Board of Trustees in 1999 and 2000. He is an active member of the IETF, currently chairing two working groups on routing and IPv6 multi-homing. He served as a member of the Internet Architecture Board from 1999 until 2005, and has been the IAB Executive Director from 2001 until 2005. He is author of a number of Internet-related books. Phet SayoPhet Sayo is the Program Specialist for Building Capacities and Partnerships at APDIP. In the area of Building Capacities, Phet is responsible for researching and developing innovative projects and programmes focused on institutional and human resource development through partnerships with educational institutions, the private sector, and development agencies involved in ICT. Phet is also the APDIP focal point for the Open Regional Dialogue on Internet Governance (ORDIG) initiative, and the Pan-Asia Research and Development Grants Program. Phet has experience with conducting e-Readiness assessments, and has interests in the areas of Open Source/ Content Localisation and e-Learning as enablers for development. Prior to APDIP, Phet was based in Vientiane, Lao PDR, working as a consultant for UNDP Lao PDR on assisting the government with the development of ICT initiatives and pilot projects. Raúl EcheberríaRobert ShawRobert Shaw is the senior advisor to the ITU Secretary-General on Internet strategy and policy issues. As a senior staff member in the ITU Strategy and Policy Unit in the office of the Secretary-General, he is responsible for identifying emerging technical, policy, and regulatory issues in the information and communications technology environment and analysing their impact on the activities of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). He has been involved extensively in the preparation and follow-up activities to the first phase of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). He is the project director for the ITU Countering Spam project. Mohd Sharil TarmiziMohamed Sharil Tarmizi is currently the Senior Advisor in the Office of the Chairman, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the developer and regulator for the converged communications and multimedia industry in Malaysia. Sharil was responsible for leading new development initiatives in the MCMC. Internationally, he is actively involved in various speaking and training engagements to less developed countries (landlocked & small island nations) with international, intergovernmental organisations such as the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT), InfoDev, and the World Bank. He is also the current Chairman of the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) in ICANN and a member of ICANN's Board of Directors. GAC is currently comprised of over 100 governments, distinct economies, and intergovernmental organisations in the world interested in domain names and internet matters. Sharil was also a member of the ICANN Committee on Internationalised Domain Names (IDNs, or multilingual domain names) which identified possible policy issues for the introduction of IDNs. Sharil is a Barrister of Gray Inn and read law at the University College of Wales at Aberystwyth. Moderator: Paul Wilson, Director General, APNIC |