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Thank you to the attendees, sponsors, and everyone who contributed to APNIC 58. The preliminary event participation statistics are:

Conference Statistics

Total number of in person attendees 349
Total number of online-only participants 74
Economies represented 47
APNIC Member organizations represented 134

NRO NC Election 2024

One position was open for election at APNIC 58. The nominations (in the order they were received) were:

Congratulations to Nicole T. I. Chan on her election to the NRO NC. Nicole will serve a two-year term of office 1 January 2025 to 31 December 2026.

SIG Co-Chair Elections

Co-Chair Elections were also held for the following SIGs. Congratulations to:

Many thanks to outgoing Co-Chair Anupam Agrawal for his service to the APNIC Policy SIG and community. We also thank Di Ma for his service as the acting Co-Chair of the Routing Security SIG.

The results are available to view.

Cooperation SIG

The Cooperation SIG is a forum for discussion about broader Internet issues such as public policy and Internet governance with a focus on information sharing, outreach, capacity building, and other activities that will advance APNIC’s vision for a global, open, stable, and secure Internet.

Discussion centred on “ICP-2, why is it important?”, including its history.


The NIR SIG shares information relating to the operations, policies, and procedures of National Internet Registries (NIRs) with the aim of promoting close cooperation among the NIRs and with the APNIC Secretariat.

The NIR SIG had the following presentations:

There was also a panel discussion on ‘Secure, sustainable Internet infrastructure and the role of NIR”

Open Policy Meeting (Policy SIG)

The APNIC Open Policy Meeting (OPM) is an open forum to develop policies that relate to the management and use of Internet number resources within the Asia Pacific region. These include policies for resource allocation, recovery and transfer, and for resource registration within whois, reverse DNS, RPKI and related services.

The Open Policy Meeting (OPM) had an informational presentation about the following:

The following proposals did not reach consensus:

  • prop-157: Temporary IPv4 Transfers:
    • The Chairs have decided to drop the proposal because of the strong opposition in the community.
  • prop-159: Reduction of minimum IPv6 allocation size form /32 to /36.
    • The proposal is dropped.
  • prop-160: Change IPv6 Initial assignment to /44 for Organizations Eligible for multihoming.
    • The proposal will go back to the mailing list.

Routing Security SIG

The Routing Security SIG provides a platform to discuss operational issues and best practices to secure global Internet routing. It also provides advice, support and technical review of policy proposals concerning routing security to advise the APNIC Community.

The SIG had presentations about the following topics:

Upcoming Conferences

Location TBC
18 to 27 February 2025