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To participate online in the conference sessions, you will need to Register. Once you have registered, you will have to log in to the conference website – either via the prompt on the Schedule page or using the Login button in the top right of the website page. You will only be able to join the conference sessions in Zoom once you log in.

Attending conference sessions

Before you start, make sure you have the latest version of the Zoom client installed on the computer, tablet, or mobile device you will use to join the conference sessions. The download links, and a tutorial on Zoom, are available.

To join, simply find the session you wish to attend on the conference program schedule and click on the Zoom link for that session to watch live and participate.

You’ll be muted automatically when entering the Zoom, and video will be turned off to maximize performance for those with limited bandwidth.

Live transcription will be available for most sessions. There will also be a link to a separate live transcription window for each session on the program page.

YouTube links will also be available for each session of the APNIC 58, however these will be ‘watch only’.

To participate in the conference session chat and Q&A with speakers, you will need to join the Zoom session.

How do I ask questions and make comments?

There’s two ways to ask questions during the Q&A part of the conference sessions.

1. Raising your hand

This works just like lining up at the microphone during a Q&A session at an in-person event. If you would like to ask a question, please use the ‘Raise Hand’ function in Zoom and you will join the queue.

To raise your hand, click the ‘Raise Hand’ button on your Zoom controls.

When you get to the front of the queue and it is your turn to ask your question, the Zoom Operator will let you know that you are allowed to unmute your microphone and speak.

Please state your name and affiliation (optional) before asking your question, just like at a regular conference. The operator will leave your microphone open in case anything needs to be clarified. After that, the operator will mute your microphone again and will take the next question.

You can join the queue again at any time if you think of another question, just raise your hand.

2. Using the Chat

You can also ask questions via text using the Chat. You can type a question that can be seen by the presenter and panellists. They can then read out your question and answer it.

How do I get help?

APNIC staff will be available in the Zoom Chat to help with any questions you have about the event, using Zoom, or any other issues not related to the presentations. They will be there to assist.

If you are having any difficulty with the Zoom controls, please visit the Join a Zoom Meeting page. It provides more information on Zoom participant controls for different operating systems.

But I don’t want to Register… I just want to watch.

If you don’t wish to register, the conference sessions will be available on YouTube to watch. However, you won’t be able to ask questions or participate in chat with other attendees.

APNIC recommends registering for the conference and joining the Zoom sessions for the best conference experience.