Nomination: Naresh Ajwani
Title: | Mr. |
Name: | Naresh Ajwani |
Organization: | Wireless- T T Infoservices Limited |
Biographical info: |
Naresh Ajwani, Chief - Regulatory & Corporate Affairs with WTTIL-Quippo, is also the President of the Cyber Cafe Association of India (CCAOI). As a member of NRO (Number Resource Organization), the global body responsible for the policies of IP addresses, it's his constant endeavour to ensure transparent policies & a level playing field for all the stakeholders. He also serves CMAI on regulatory matters in the Telecom & IT Sector as Chairman of the CMAI Regulatory Committee. Besides being a student of Public Policy and Regulations pertaining to Telecom, IT & ITES, Internet Governance, e-Commerce, eSecurity and Internet & Broadband, he is an important member of Industry Associations. He is also serving the community through NIXI (National Internet Exchange of India) on voluntary basis since Sept.'2007. With the help of NIXI, it is his efforts that thousands of people have been exposed to Internet through ILP (Internet Learning Programme) free of cost and now, he is working further on vernacular ILPs for connecting masses to Internet through 180,000 cybercafes in India. His continuous efforts have connected many from the emerging economies with policy making bodies of Internet. He realizes the limitations and challenges for new but well-informed entrants and has initiated reforms in the election process at APNIC. He has always kept the community updated on the developments over policies & has been representing their view points on the same. A thought provoking communicator and strong believer of Internet penetration, Naresh advocates mass penetration for Internet through the cyber cafe industry in developing countries and firmly believes that unless all stake holders will be involved, the desired Eco-system would not be evolved. It is this Eco-system which will empower the common masses worldwide, resulting in the common man emerging as a WINNER. |
Nominated by
Name: | Shyam Nair |
Organization: | Sify Technologies Limited |