
Pacific Mates Rates Offer

APNIC is again offering locals a special offer to attend APNIC 30! Delegates from the Pacific region are now eligible for a special APNIC 30 registration offer.

Delegates from the Pacific Region (including Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia) registered before August 24 will also be entered into a draw for a Google-powered Android HTC Nexus Smartphone!

Pacific Mates who have already registered and have paid by credit card will receive an email with their refund details.

Join us for APNIC 30 at the Gold Coast, Australia - the ultimate investment in the future of your business. DOWNLOAD the APNIC flyer to convince your boss!

Check out the attendee list to see who has already registered!

Register online


All prices are listed in Australian dollars.

Mates Rates Regular
APNIC Members Standard APNIC Members Standard
Tutorials 150 200 200 250
Full Conference 300 350 350 400


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