Executive Council election
Please note: The candidate has now withdrawn this nomination.
Geoff Huston | |
Title | Mr. |
Name | Geoff Huston |
Organisation | APNIC |
Position in this organisation | Internet Research Scientist |
gih@apnic.net |
Nominated by
Member organisation | Telstra |
APNIC account name | TELSTRA-AU |
Contact name | Stephan Millet |
Phone number | +61-2-6208-1681 |
Fax number | +61-2-6248-6165 |
stephan@telstra.net |
Reason for nomination
Geoff Huston has been involved in the Internet in the Asia Pacific region since the late 1980's. He was responsible for the initial Australian Academic and Research Network in Australia, and then moved to Telstra, where he managed the Internet backbone network for Telstra in the 1990's.
He was the Chief Internet Scientist for Telstra from 2001 until 2004. Geoff joined APNIC as the Research Scientist in 2004. He has been a member of the Internet Architecture Board from 1999 until 2005 and served as the Executive Director of the IAB from 2001 until 2005. He currently chairs IETF working groups on Routing operations and IPv6 Multi-homing. Geoff has been a supporter of APNIC since its inception, and he has served on the Executive Council from 1996 until 2004. He has assisted in setting up solid foundations for APNIC as an organization, and working through the various transitions in the relationship between APNIC and ICANN, as well as in the area of Internet Governance and the role of address distribution policies in the broader framework in various international interests. He has been closely involved in the development of APNIC policies, and has worked to ensure that APNIC is responsive to members' needs as well as ensuring a balance in terms of responsible resource management.
Geoff has been a valuable asset to the Asia Pacific Internet community, and I'm confident that he will be able to ensure that members' interests in having APNIC continue to provide reliable stable and appropriate services are continued if elected to the APNIC EC.