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7 - 14 September 2023

Rupesh Shrestha (This nominee withdrew his candidacy on 31 August 2023)

Nominee details

Rupesh Shrestha


Biographical info

  • Bachelor in Engineering -Communications (1997)
  • Masters in Business Administration - Operations (2016)
Relevant Chair Experience

I have been leading various organizations successfully and in community I have been Chair of SANOG (South Asian Network Operators Group) since 2018 and also working as a CEO of NPIX (Internet Exchange Nepal). Apart from those roles, I have also been Co-chair of APRICOT Fellowship Committee and an Advisory Council member of DotAsia. I have been participating in various APNIC events since 2016. I was co-chair of APNIC Routing Security SIG as the founding member.

Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

I have been contributing to the community in above roles in various aspects of Technical skill improvements, Community bonding, Making networks resilient, providing opportunities to learn and sharing experience for policies and governance.

Nominee statement

I have been in the Internet industry for more than 25 years and have been involved in various roles in planning, implementation and governance. I understand the current stage of Internet transformation and the critical role that APNIC Policy SIG can play for policy frameworks in Asia Pacific. I believe my experience in various community platforms of SANOG, APRICOT, APNIC, npNOG, NPIX etc along with professional leadership in organizations will help to chair the Policy SIG and put in best effort for good balance and coordination for consensus in understanding.

As mandated in Policy SIG Charter, my commitment will be to encourage the balanced understanding of the policies for management and use of Internet number resources in Asia Pacific including policies for resource allocation, recovery & transfer and for resource registration within whois, reverse DNS, RPKI and related services. With the challenges of technological advancements and disconnected people with different perspectives on the outlines, the effort to connect the community for better clarity on objective and goal will be seeked to reach a consensus or otherwise. I am hereby requesting for your support and trust to take up this responsible position of APNIC Policy SIG Chair to carry the baton from my predecessors who have already set up excellent standards and I remain committed to extend my services for the cause.

Nominated by

Aftab Siddiqui
Reason for nomination

Rupesh, an active community endorser in Asia Pacific, brings a wealth of experience in various Internet-based engagements. Through his roles in Internet Exchange Nepal (npIX) and South Asian Network Operators Group (SANOG), he has played a pivotal role in establishing successful community platforms. SANOG's remarkable track record includes 39 events across South Asian cities, with over 3000 participants getting trainings and benefiting from their workshops on Network & Internet Technologies.

Holding both an Engineering degree in Communications and a Masters in Business Administration, Rupesh boasts a diverse background in leadership positions encompassing IT engineering, operations, finance, governance, and policy. As the current chair of SANOG and CEO of npIX, he has been instrumental in fostering community engagement and solidifying npIX as Nepal's backbone for local connectivity.

For the past 8 years, Rupesh actively participated in APNIC meetings, advocating for policies and procedures relevant to the South Asian and Asia Pacific Community. He served a term in APIX Steering Committee and co-chaired APNIC Routing Security SIG as the founding member. Presently, Rupesh holds the co-chair position in APRICOT Fellowship Committee and serves as a member of the Dot Asia Advisory Council.

With his expertise, commitment, and leadership, Rupesh is an outstanding candidate for the Policy SIG Chair post, poised to continue making significant contributions to the Asia Pacific community.

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