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7 - 14 September 2023

Trusted Contacts

To ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all, APNIC has appointed Trusted Contacts as your first point of contact for any concerns you might have related to bullying, harassment, discrimination, and other inappropriate behaviour. Our Trusted Contacts can provide assistance, information, resources, and options available to you and escalate matters where necessary. All discussions with Trusted Contacts are confidential.

Trusted Contacts will be wearing white vests or white badges, so that they can be easily identified and approached.

Please note that all participants are subject to the Code of Conduct, and we aim to ensure this is respected.

Please contact any of the following Trusted Contacts if the need arises, either in person, or request the support of a Trusted Contact by email:

Anupam Agrawal

Bertrand Cherrier

Nathan Harvey

Ninja Tadifa

Rafael Cintra

Shaila Sharmin

Shane Hermoso

Sylvia Cadena

Terry Sweetser