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7 - 14 September 2023

Karl Kloppenborg

Nominee details

Karl Kloppenborg

Karl Kloppenborg

Biographical info

  • Post Graduate education, computer science.
  • 15 years in telecommunications and various network and technology companies.
Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

Having worked in various corporations, including ISPs and cloud providers I have a fundamental knowledge in how APNIC policies shape geographical and economic internet planning.

I have a well known background in internet advocacy including recently writing and pushing the new, now under vote, EC reform policies.

I have attended a number of conferences, working groups and NOG's in the past. I believe people know my experience and can trust my judgement on these matters.

Nominee statement

With a professional experience of more than 15 years in various ranks and organisations, I'm accepting this nomination to be the co-chair of Policy SIG.

In more than a decade long professional career during which I have put a lot of efforts in building cloud services, including deploying OpenStack and integrating cloud technologies, the recognition by the community to elect me as a core team member of OpenStack Helm shows my commitment and involvement in the open-source community.

I'm not just an observer; I actively participate in the open-source community. I've been deeply involved in code reviews and have made substantial contributions as a developer, showcasing my commitment to open-source principles and collaborative development. Currently serving as the Chief Technology Officer at ResetData

My passion lies in nurturing community development and ensuring that policy development, within any community, embraces a multi-stakeholder approach. I wholeheartedly advocate for the strengthening of APNIC and its bottom-up, community-driven policy development process, which strongly resonates with the values I hold dear.

Nominated by

Caretel Pty Ltd
Reason for nomination

I am pleased to nominate Karl Kloppenborg as a candidate for the Co-Chair of the APNIC Policy SIG. Karl is a seasoned computer engineer with a specialization in systems engineering and distributed systems programming, on top of that he is amazing community builder. He brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the role that will be invaluable in shaping the policies that govern APNIC resource distribution.

Karl's technical expertise, extensive experience, and commitment to community-driven development make him an ideal candidate for the role. He possesses the qualities necessary to facilitate constructive discussions, encourage diverse perspectives, and drive the formulation of effective policies that address the evolving needs of the APNIC community.

I wholeheartedly support Karl's candidacy for this position and believe that he will make a significant and positive impact on the community's policy development processes.

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