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7 - 14 September 2023

Joy Chan

Nominee details

Joy Chan
Deputy CEO

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Biographical info

  • Bachelor of Science - Computer Science, State University of New York
  • Masters of Science - Information Science, State University of New York
Relevant Chair Experience

Joy has been with APNIC for many years, taking on the chair for Cooperation SIG gaves her the room to expand more that brings the community together as a whole, providing a platform for collaboration closely, the leadership skill and ability contributes the community clearly. Joy has also devoted herself in internet governance as MAG, as well as in many other Internet societies. Joy takes on leadership and chair roles in the organizations, to support, to lead and to engage with the community that benefits all the stakeholders.

Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

Joy has been involved in the APNIC activity as a SIG chair, also as a participant before taking the chair role, supporting the new generation of members, engaging with different groups of discussion on internet issues, contribute her knowledge and experience to the APNIC community.

Nominee statement

Joy Chan is the Deputy CEO at Taiwan Network and Information Center (TWNIC), her responsibility includes heading TWCERT/CC. Prior to this post, Joy was the Deputy Director General at Cyber Trust Technology Institute of Institute For Information Industry (III).

Joy worked as the Head of APAC Production Engineering for Yahoo! Products and Services, and she was the CTO for Yahoo! at Taiwan, she brings in advance technology for service resilience and scalable system operations.

Joy has firm believe in Cooperation SIG:

There are many topics we can bridge between different segments of industries; we can fully utilize this SIG as a platform to expand and to explore further with this Cooperation SIG mechanism.

Recognition on the outreach, promote and evolve for Internet Governance and other important Internet issues , the needs to be address and discuss in an open form that can trigger more participants to represent the multi-stakeholder interests.

Joy has the passion and interest for a free and safe Internet, with Resilience of Security, Managing and Remediation of the Vulnerabilities, etc; these are the most critical issues currently for our forum to discuss and to further structure for a better internet.

The various activities for the communities can bring tremendous values to the internet society; I truly believe the benefit in partnership in public sector, private sector and the nonprofit sector. I also believe the cooperation SIG can demonstrate the contribution and value to a better Internet community in APAC.

As an experienced executive with extensive ICT experience from Taiwan, and with the knowledge from working in US at many large firms like IBM and Dow Jones, it is time for Joy to turn these expertise back to the Internet Community in APNIC.

Nominated by

Nepal Internet Foundation
Reason for nomination

Joy Chan is the current chair for Cooperation SIG, she has been collaborated with representatives from different economies in Asia Pacific to bring the voices from the community and for the past terms, we were able to discuss a variety of topics that’s related to the interests of the community.

Ms. Joy Chan has been a leader, an excellent communicator to work with the community in the cooperation SIG, she comes with good spirit to bring the interest and align the goals so the community can benefit the engagement and discussion.

Based on her experience knowing and working with Ms .Joy Chan, I've seen her innovated initiatives, her strong drives, and her modesty to bring people together. She comes with diverse thinking and willingness to listen to the community, she brings the cooperation spirit. I was honored to see her leadership and participation at this community and happily nominate her to continue the job as the chair of the special interest group, looking for a higher level of success in this SIG community.

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