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APNIC 56 Illustration


7 - 14 September 2023

Bertrand Cherrier

Nominee details

Bertrand Cherrier
Systems Administrator
Micrologic Systems


Biographical info

  • Bachelor in science (1988)
  • Airline Pilot (1992)
  • Self-trained Sysadmin, with a big help from APNIC Training !
  • MikroTik Certified Engineer (2016)
Relevant Chair Experience
  • Policy SIG co-Chair at APNIC 43 (2017)
  • Vice-Chair IANA RC in 2019
  • Chair IANA RC in 2020
  • Policy SIG Chair since APNIC 52 (2021)
    Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

    I’ve attended every APRICOT and APNIC meetings since APNIC 31 (2011), I've contributed to make APNIC 46 a reality in New Caledonia and I've been involved in Policy since late 2011, I'm a trusted contact for APNIC 56.

    Nominee statement

    I have been a sysadmin for an ISP in New Caledonia for more than twenty years.

    Founder of the GULNC (Linux User Group), I've push the adoption of IPv6 for all users and now the ISP I work for is the only one providing IPv6 connectivity to its FTTH subscribers our country.

    I’m not better than anyone, but because of the size and location of New Caledonia, my aim will always be towards what’s good for our community.

    I have been chairing the Policy SIG since APNIC 52 (2021) and I fully understand the process, the stakes and how to gage consensus. With your support, I will be serving our community to the best I can for my last term.

    Nominated by

    Micrologic Systems
    Reason for nomination

    Six years of (co)chairing the Policy SIG and the IANA RC, makes the ideal candidate for his own succession.

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