in conjunction with APRICOT 2013

Transcript - APIPv6TF


While every effort is made to capture a live speaker's words, it is possible at times that the transcript contains some errors or mistranslations. APNIC apologizes for any inconvenience, but accepts no liability for any event or action resulting from the transcripts.

Michael Biber: Good afternoon. Thank you for joining us for this session, for the next 90 minutes, to take us through the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force meeting here at APRICOT-APNIC 35.

My name is Michael Biber and I'm very pleased to welcome you. I'm the acting Chair of the Task Force and with me is Miwa Fujii, who is with APNIC and is the Secretary of the IPv6 Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force. Through Miwa's good work, we continue to thrive and have these opportunities to meet today.

There are a couple of quick housekeeping issues that I might run through quickly. Again, mobile phones, if you could set them to vibrate or off, that would be good. Also, a reminder that the lightning talks are still open for tomorrow, so if anybody has anything they passionately would like to get off their chest, they are more than welcome to do a lightning talk. You don't need slides, although if you have slides, we will use them. Please feel free to do that.

As you are aware, I think you are pretty much okay for the WiFi access now. The SSID that just says "apricot" is actually an 802.11a network and mostly only those of you who have Macintoshes or Apples of some kind

will connect to that. The rest of us use "apricot-b" or some other service, people who are condemned to using Windows.

We have a Q&A session and we should have some time for questions, although we are pretty tight with the number of speakers we have to talk to you today.

We ask you to go to the microphone and state your name and affiliation clearly for the transcripts and for the people who are there.

There is a social event that most of you would be aware of, the APNIC social event which is on this evening. Most of you will have the details, but see the staff if you need to know the specific details and we look forward to joining you tonight.

It is time to move on.

The program for today will be a short greeting from me and a Secretariat follow-up from Miwa, which will be quite quick. Then we have eight presentations to go through. These will start with economy updates, which we make as a regular feature for the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force, and we have a number of countries and economies who are going to be reporting on what's actually happening, or key issues that are developing in their particular environments.

If you are here, the people who speak here are not

official representatives of their countries. If you are here from another country and you would like to make a comment or to contribute to this part of the program -- although our time is fairly tight -- we would welcome any contributions. If you have any comments you would like to make about IPv6 deployment in your own country and you feel you would like to share that with us in this forum, either today or at a future forum, we would be delighted to have you here. We do not expect you to be representing your country in any official capacity, so we just expect you to be sensible about the things you say. Feel free to add to that.

Then we will have a quick closing period and then we will break for the afternoon tea session, before the rest of the program continues on.

I would like to officially welcome all of you who are here physically. I would like to welcome the people who are here virtually as well. We have quite a number of people who are coming into the program remotely, courtesy of the technology provided by APNIC, and we really appreciate the tech support we are getting to actually make that happen.

Unfortunately, I was not able to physically go to the last two APNIC meetings in the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force -- the last one in Phnom Penh and the one

before that in New Delhi -- but I was able to join them remotely, courtesy of the technology facilities. If you or any of your colleagues back home don't have the ability to be at one of these meetings, we really encourage you to join in. The technology is getting better and better all the time to enable us to have you contribute, see the slides and the translations in realtime, that are provided through these facilities. We are very happy with that.

There are a lot of challenges for IPv6. This is an interesting community to talk to because mostly, certainly for 97 per cent of the community that we are talking to here at APNIC, they do not need to be convinced that IPv6 is something they have to do. They may not be doing it now; almost all of you would have to say it is in your future and that you will have to do that.

We have a number of challenges for IPv6. One is to continue the momentum that has been built over this period, but there is a long way to go, and a lot of people are still fairly slow to actually get off this environment.

I realize that we are generally speaking to the converted, although if somebody has an alternative view, that would be a useful debate to have.

There is a cost of maintaining multiple protocols. At some point in the future, this cost will become excruciating and this is when the world transition to IPv6 will become an unstoppable phenomenon. It will happen; there is very little doubt about it. It is a question of timing and how much pain people are willing to suffer.

A lot of the pain is developed through NAT and through the inability to deal with a lot of what are fast becoming legacy applications. We have had a number of presentations and I think we are getting some today that will talk about that.

There are a lot of choices in transition technologies and we do have issues that we need to come to about the best way to actually take this transition process forward. So that's something that is a dialogue, and that's part of the topic that we would really like to do.

The challenges, what our community generally can do to address these specific issues. We all know it's going to happen, it's a question now of actually buckling down and making it happen. We hope to use the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force as a forum to exchange information for the community of interest. There are a lot of good things happen and we need the positive

stories that you can tell. We don't need the marketing spin, but we need the reality on the ground, what people are really doing.

I would like to thank all the speakers for sharing their IPv6 stories today and throughout the whole of the APNIC/APRICOT event.

Miwa, will you do the Secretariat update?

Miwa Fujii: Good afternoon, everybody. I'm Miwa from APIPv6 Secretariat. APIPv6 Task Force always tries to provide a forum to exchange positive IPv6 stories. So far we conducted at every APNIC Meeting and APRICOT Meeting. So I wouldn't go through details.

All the past events are listed in the website, so please share with your colleagues in your own economies when you go back.

In August 2012 meeting in Cambodia we had 53 on-site participants, 17 remote and five presentations and economy updates, two presentations on industry updates and one presentation on regional update. This APIPv6 Task Force forum that is getting the population among the APNIC community and even before we start announcing the next meeting we start inquiries from the potential next speakers. So if you have interesting stories to share at the next APIPv6 Task Force meeting, please feel free to send me email any time.

These are items which are listed on this page is either Mike or myself participated to support the regional or each economy's IPv6 event and presented some positive stories from IPv6 Task Force. That's it from the Secretariat. Thank you.

The next speaker.

Michael Biber: Hello again. I am changing hats at the moment. As well as being acting Chair of the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force, I'm also President of the IPv6 Forum in Australia and a number of things. I am going to talk to the Australian economy update, for the IPv6 activities.

I am going to keep this pretty short because we have a large number of speakers to come, and we need to finish on time and we can take it from there.

I was going to point out where Australia was and what it was not, but this graphic hasn't translated correctly. We have some sort of issue. I shall move on. That's where Australia used to be. That's Tasmania, which is actually part of Australia, and that's not New Zealand. But that didn't work. It looked good on the PowerPoint.

We will take it from there.

Some quick statistics. In Australia, since 1999 there have been 564 IPv6 prefixes allocated in

Australia, but of those, only 201 have been implemented and are actually seen in the public routing databases. Nine have been returned to APNIC over that period of time but there are 354 that are allocated that are not being used, or at least not being used in the public Internet. A number of them may be being used in private land implementations or other sorts of things that don't see the public Internet.

There is a very large number of allocated prefixes. We see the statistics about the number of prefixes that have been allocated, and they do not mean very much. Well more than 50 per cent of the Australian prefixes, for example, are not actually advertised to the public Internet. 215 of these have been allocated to networking and hosting and colo companies and a number of cloud providers that are there. One may say they are hoarding IPv6 addresses, which is kind of counter-productive. 55 of them are government departments, 40 of them are various different industry businesses that are out there -- large mining companies, airlines, a number of different organizations. 17 of them are finance companies or insurance companies in the finance sector. For some reason or another, 13 are education institutions, including the Catholic Education Commission in Australia. Nine come from State

Governments. There are 55 Federal Government departments and nine State Government departments and five of them are from the community.

Even though we see the statistics, and you will see lots of graphs and growth in allocations of a large number of prefixes, they don't really translate to people out there using IPv6.

By far the widest deployment of IPv6 in Australia is from the Federal Government. The Australian Government Information Management Office has mandated the use of IPv6 in a number of government departments. They mandated that all government departments be IPv6 capable by the end of 2012, and in truth they made that by about 40 per cent.

Some people have criticised this, saying it failed, that the mandate failed, but the fact they got 40 per cent over the line of the 110 major government departments, I think is a remarkable achievement. I think that's to be applauded.

Of the remaining departments, of the 110 government budget funded departments in the Federal Government, 32 of them are reporting that they are more than 50 per cent complete. Some of them are just about to launch their IPv6 production networks, quite a few of them. But certainly the bulk of Australian Federal

Government departments that have deployed IPv6 are in the process of finalizing the final deployment of v6 services. Some of them are moving to v6 only. I know of four government departments that are running their whole production environment -- gateways, web servers, Internet, local services internally -- are now running it exclusively on IPv6 and they treat IPv4 as a legacy protocol in their network, and they have a number of different techniques they use for doing that.

At the moment, they are reporting good progress, and business hasn't failed and they haven't dropped off the edge of the known world. It seems to have actually worked pretty well for them, and we are getting positive reports.

The Australian Federal Government report this by percentage of people who are compliant in a number of different areas. To save time I won't go through this, but these presentations are available. This is used by courtesy of John Hillier from the Department of Finance in the Australian Government, AGIMO. John reported on these statistics at the IPv6 Summit in October in Melbourne. All of those presentations and graphs and details are all available. They have made some good progress, I wouldn't say spectacular achievement or fantastic success, but certainly made some very solid

progress over that period.

One of the other activities which is of interest to the deployment of networking services is the National Broadband Network. This is a fibre-to-the-premises initiative of the current government, to spend some -- depending on who you talk to -- either $36 billion or $50 billion. Although it's a layer 2 network, they are providing layer 3 services in this network for their customers, which are the ISPs and the retail service providers, such as yourselves, and they will be providing IPv6 multicasting in their network by May this year. They are turning on IPv6 layer 3 for the retail service providers in the network.

It is up to the retail service providers, the ISPs, to then put on an IPv6 service for their end customers, but the National Broadband Network is intended to provide a transparent IPv6/IPv4 end layer overlay network to the 93 per cent by fibre and then eventually the rest of the country by satellite and wireless.

The only thing is that our national elections in Australia have been announced for 14 September this year and that will have a potential impact because the government that may come into power, if the government changes, have said they don't want a fibre-to-the-premises network, they want

a fibre-to-the-node network, and things will dramatically change.

Communications Alliance, which is a group I could speak about if I needed to, have been chosen to do an examination of these technologies and to compare the different policies of the different organizations, and that work is now under way, although quite controversial in the Australian marketplace. This will have an effect on the ability of you, as service providers and end users who will use the National Broadband Network, to have those services provided to you and will have an impact on IPv6 deployment in Australia in one form or another.

The other thing we are going to do is that we hold -- the Australian IPv6 Forum in conjunction with the Internet Society in Australia, and AI group, which is the Australian industry group, is a group of 42,000 companies and employers in Australia, that are looking to expand the nature of what we do. We will probably change the IPv6 Summit for 2013. This hasn't been completely decided yet, but we will probably have an Australian Internet summit rather than an IPv6 Summit and we will have an IPv6 day at that summit, but we will be looking at security, cloud, big data, the Internet of Things, mobility, sensors, green IT, social media, and

a whole range of different services and we'll widen the focus. That is the sort of feedback we have been receiving from the people.

The Australian Industry Group, which represents 42,000 companies in Australia, that are members of that group, now have IPv6 on their governance map, so they are looking at all the different issues and they position them on this matrix, and this is something that goes ought to all their members and something they have developed. IPv6 is the little dot there.

IPv6 is definitely in the governance model for enterprises that are out there, and they are beginning to see that they need to do something about it, and that's our opportunity.

I will just finish with a quote from Computer World, and I emphasize this is from 2009, that says:

"Australia is one of the countries leading the way in IPv6 adoption, according to an organization for economic cooperation and development report which calls for more network operators to following Australia's lead as IPv4 is running out."

Our challenge is to -- we have actually lost that lead. There's no doubt about it. We are not deploying as fast as some other aggressive Asian and international organizations and countries and we run the risk of

falling behind. Our challenge from the forum and from the Internet Society and from other organizations out there is to encourage Australians to really come on board.

A very quick update from Australia.

It is fairly -- maybe a challenging environment for us at the moment to deploy IPv6. But we are looking to rise to that challenge.

I will ask the next speaker to come up and join us, which is Ka Ping Wong. Welcome. Ping is with the Internet Society in Hong Kong and will talk to us about Hong Kong.

Ka Ping Wong: Good afternoon. I am Ka Ping Wong from Internet Society, Hong Kong. Internet Society Hong Kong has organized around 30 events or activities on IPv6 since 2007. The aggregate number of attendees is around 6,000. Internet Society Hong Kong is widely recognised as the leading organization in Hong Kong dedicated to promote IPv6.

Today I am happy to share with you a project we did last year at the IPv6 in Action Project, promote IPv6 to the general public and small and medium enterprises in Hong Kong.

What is IPv6 in Action Project? This project is mainly sponsored by the Hong Kong Government and it is

supported by over 30 partners, organizations and sponsors in Hong Kong. Of course, we have some regional partners, like APNIC, and also Hong Kong IX.

The project objectives are to provide the general public and small and medium enterprises with a better understanding of the IPv4 address space exhaustion, as well as using IPv6 and why we do it. We believe users can help push IPv6 to happen faster. It is a new approach to provide IPv6.

IPv6 in Action Project, IPv6 messages were translated into easy to understand messages to deliver to the general public, as well as the SMEs. The project utilised a number of channels of promotions and activities, which includes -- we built a multilingual IPv6 thematic website. You can go to to look and we have nearly 50,000 page views and over 12,000 visits. The thematic website was linked to by websites of a number of government bureaux and departments, including the Education Bureau, the communications authority.

We produced three episodes of radio programs, and there were broadcasts through digital radio and online media. 20,000 promotional pamphlets were produced, and you can see this is some carton designed by a famous local designer.

Those pamphlets were distributed to nearly 250 locations and events and the city, including 100 secondary schools, 60 public libraries, 62 cyber district centres and also other events that were organized.

Five seminars targeted youth, small and medium enterprise, IT teachers and the general public respectively, and a Conference of World IPv6 Launch was organized, with totally around 800 participants.

A booth to promote IPv6 was set up at the International ICT Expo, and attracted an estimate number of over 5,000 visitors.

A multilingual consumer guide for the general public and SMEs was launched on the World IPv6 Launch Day, and this was deployed by at least three other Internet Society chapters around the world.

This consumer guide is under creative commerce. If you want to make use of it locally in your country or economy, feel free to let me know.

Mouse pads, stickers and posters were produced for the promotion. We did two IPv6 surveys, before and after the project, and we have over 900 responses for these two surveys. A video clip hosted by a local celebrity was produced and aired on Roadshow. Roadshow is a small TV screen on buses, so we can reach

approximately 1.4 million passengers daily.

The interesting thing, one of them, is an animated video clip with cartoon characters, was produced and distributed through different channels to allow easy understanding of IPv6.

We have some simple flash game, simple online quiz, as part of the thematic website. We developed a mobile application for iPhone and Android phones, so you can download and then test the Internet connection, whether they support IPv6.

Then we have nine IPv6 directories, and the "Ask the expert" forum launched as part of the thematic website. First is the Hong Kong IPv6 enabled website directory. In fact, it was launched back in 2009. People just submit their website and the simple automatically test whether they are IPv6 enabled, and it will test periodically.

We also have other directories for home users and SMEs, for example equipment, ISPs and operating systems.

These are all on the website.

Because this project is targeted to small and medium enterprises and the general public, so we think that PR and marketing is important to get the message out.

Finally, we have around 38 media coverage generated with estimated circulation of over 2 million readership,

through online media, magazines, dailies, mainly.

To conclude, we believe this project is successful as a kick start of another new approach to promote IPv6. We create demand, we create pressure to the ISPs, but we still need to do more.

Next is a quick update, where are we now in Hong Kong? In Hong Kong, seven ISPs are currently providing native IPv6 connection to corporate customers in limited scale. However, none of them provide residential broadband service now.

For mobile operators, testing, now at least six Datacentres and two web hosting companies support IPv6.

For the government, two highlights: the Hong Kong observatory has rolled out IPv6 NTP service since last year and the next generation government WiFi has been providing IPv6 connection since last December. In fact, most of the government websites are now IPv6 accessible, they even support IPv6 email transport.

For universities, all have IPv6 transport enabled but still need to do a lot of work on servers and infrastructure.

How about IPv6 certification in Hong Kong? According to Hurricane Electric, the top IPv6 Sage economies -- and Hong Kong is 8th in the world -- and we have 152 Sages. And we are top in Asia.

However, according to the recent study by APNIC, although Hong Kong has a very high mobile broadband penetration rate and Internet penetration, we still lack in IPv6 adoption.

We started late, but we are catching up. We have been progressing faster than before, ever since 2009.

Looking forward: we believe that the government should continue its support for the promotion of IPv6 deployment to the public, to businesses, to ISP, to the industry and the community.

Roll-out of the IPv6 service by local ISPs should be faster. And we believe that IPv6 training is important, so we will launch the first IPv6 Forum certified courses in Hong Kong, in partnership with IPv6 now.

Still a lot of areas that Hong Kong should work on in the promotion of IPv6, and there is still a long way to go. We need support.

We need continuous support locally, we need continuous support from the community in the region, and let's continue to work together closely. IPv6 now! Thank you.

Michael Biber: Thank you, Ping. We will hold off questions until the end and if we have time we will do questions, and if you don't, you can see people in the breaks and circulate.

I would like to invite our next speaker, RM Agarwal, the Deputy Director General of the Department of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, from the Government of India.

Rakesh Mohan Agarwal: Very good afternoon to you all. I am thankful to the Asia Pacific Task Force for inviting me and giving me a chance here.

Basically, in July 2010, the Government of India has released one IPv6 road map and out of this road map, all major service providers were targeted.

Basically, I have revised this. Anyway, I'll continue with it. Basically, the Government of India has already released one road map in July 2010, and the main parts of this road map was that we are having three parts, the three tiered IPv6 Task Force was formed. Out of this Task Force, major service providers were to provide the IPv6 services. Out of those major service providers, already nine out of 22 major service providers are already in a position to provide the services. Of course, all the central government organizations, State Government organizations and other public sector in the Government of India, will start services by March 2012.

This is the status of those government departments. Basically, 15 per cent Central Government websites are

ready and 11 per cent State Government websites are ready. In India, having the dual federal system, State Government and Central Government, and of course the Task Force is under the Central Government of India, Department of Telecommunications. As far as we are also planning to do a pilot project also, the 17 per cent of government departments had planned to adopt the pilot project and 20 per cent in the State's case. Of course, auditing of the equipment is also very necessary, because everybody claims to be IPv6 ready, but definitely it needs to be audited, so we have planned our audit team also. Auditing of equipment has been completed in respect of Central, it is 11 per cent and 23 per cent in the case of State Governments.

In cases of transition teams, we have already issued one activity sheet and have asked the Central Government organizations and the State Government organizations to form a transition team. Transition teams have been formed in respect of 14 per cent in Central Government and 32 per cent in the case of State Governments.

This is the nodal officer appointment, almost 100 per cent, as far as all the State Governments are concerned, and the Central Government is concerned.

Again, coming to the point: we are also planning to have IPv6 testbed. The testbed has already been

installed in the Telecommunications Centre of the Government of India, where equipment can be tested and certified. Of course, we also have released one national telecoms policy in 2012, and we have recognised the important role of the IPv6 implementation in the country.

Out of our experience gained after the first road map, we have done more than 50 workshops with the Central Government, State Government, service providers, content providers, the complete ecosystem we cover under the IPv6 Task Force, and the major issue we feel is the contents, because service providers are ready. But the equipment vendors must be ready, but until and unless contents and devices are ready, what will we do with the services?

Now we are tying up with the content providers and of course ICT equipment vendors and end user equipment providers and we are holding regular meetings and workshops with these two different types of stakeholders also. We find this training is also a very important role to play in the IPv6 implementation, not only in India but throughout the world, and for that purpose we need to start IPv6 certified training under the Government of India.

Of course, as I told you, after having achieved

considerable migration after road map I, now we have approved the national IPv6 deployment IPv6 road map II, and the Centre for Innovation, and IPv6 skill set, I will come to this afterwards.

Firstly, we have already approved one Centre for Innovation in India, the Centre for Innovation for IPv6 implementations will be a one point centre for every item of IPv6 implementation, whether it is training, whether it is pilot project implementation, whether it is experimentation networks, whether it is a consultancy, and of course the IPv6 skill set development also. We have already approved a proposal and now it is in the finalization stage. I think in the next 18 months the centre will be there in India, which will be a single point centre for all IPv6 activities in the country.

Of course, because India is a very, very big country, we need more than 5 million persons to be trained in the next five years, so one organization cannot do that complete job. So we are empanelling the organizations for IPv6 certified courses, and we are going to complete this in the next one year's time already. We have adopted an expression of interest and this will be completed next one year time.

That way, IPv6 certified training courses will be

provided in India, through this organization, and that will be available courses.

Of course, as I told you, we have already released one IPv6 deployment road map. We were preparing for this road map and we have made more than 20 meetings with service providers, State governments, Central Government, mandatory organizations, standard organizations, equipment providers, content providers and all the equipment vendors, we have taken into consideration. The main important input of these important recommendations of this road map, basically the recommendations cover every type of stakeholder.

Firstly, we cover the service providers, the enterprise customers, so for enterprise customers, 1 January 2014 is the target date to start this enterprise customers services by the service providers. Of course, after it, retail customers. We have mandated these recommendations are mandatory for service providers and it will be a part of the licensing conditions.

Of course, 30 June 2014 would be the time for service providers to provide IPv6 services to the customers. This is the timeline given for the placement of CPEs, because CPEs are not under the control of the service providers, so an extended timeline has been

given for them.

As far as wireless customers are there, LTE is there, GSM/CDMA customers are there, so definitely 30 June 2013 is the timeline for the LTE type of customers, and for GSM/CDMA type of customers it is 30 June 2014. These time lines are mandatory for our telecom service providers, ISPs, so they will be in a position to offer the services. Definitely they will give the services, but until and unless customers are having IPv6-ready handsets, which I was talking in the morning session, Nokia, Samsung, and all the top equipment vendors are having IPv6-ready devices, how will customers be able to access the IPv6 services?

And of course content is a very important point. We have asked all government websites need to be completed by December 2013, and of course financial ecosystem, we have asked all our banking sectors, insurance sectors to be IPv6 ready by 30 June 2013. Of course this is the timeline and they are complying with this. All .in registrations will be done by 2013 itself.

Of course, mobile phone handsets, the users, after 30 June 2014, no handset equipment will be able to sell -- only IPv6 ready equipment in India. In case it is not IPv6 ready it won't be able to sell in India.

Of course, 1 January 2014 is the target for IPv6 to

be complete in India.

The government organization, all government organizations need to deploy IPv6 in their networks by December 2017, because the government is a very big user of IPv6, and by December 2013 they need to make their plans.

For the public services, Internet services, 1 January 2015 is the target. We have already mandated that all government procurements should be IPv6 ready and of course end-to-end applications and testing should be done, and the equipment should be certified.

This is the mandate for the government organizations. We are going in a big way for IPv6 based pilot projects in India, and for the skill set development, as I already told you, we are coming up with training, periodic training, and we are making IPv6 education training in our education sector.

This is all the recommendations for the IPv6 road map.

This is a very basic things of the road map. The road map will be released in just one month's time and a copy will be made available on our website, and I will be sending a copy to all of you. This is the first time a government has mandated the IPv6 implementation in India.

Thank you very much.


Michael Biber: That was great. When you think about the size of the subcontinent, it is such a massive deployment, it will be fantastic to watch it roll out as we go.

Join with me in welcoming Youngsun La, with KRNIC in Korea, which is part of KISA, the Korean Internet and Security Agency.

He will give us an update for the economy of Korea.

Youngsun La: Good afternoon. I am Youngsun La from KISA, Korea Internet and Security Agency. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to present in this APIPv6 Task Force session. I hope it will help you understand the Korea deployment of IPv6 better, and I wish we can share more and more information in the near future.

The time allotted to me is about 10 minutes. I should go quickly, and some of the slides I shall skip them.

IPv6 strategy in Korea: we can divide IPv6 activities into three main sectors: infra, service and users. We are doing various activities shown here, but last year we focused on infrastructure, and today's speech is mostly about infrastructure.

IPv6 Internet Exchange, KISA, is operating the IPv6

based Internet exchange node, called 6NGIX and subscriber network called 6KANET. 59 organizations have been peered by now. It is the only Internet exchange point for the next generation IPv6 Internet exchange. Because ISPs in Korea were not supporting IPv6 at that time, but there was a change, there was a meaningful movement.

Finally, the three major ISPs in Korea have reached agreement on adopting IPv6 at their backbones, and IXs last year.

We made it with continuous discussion and meetings, and it is one of the big achievements we made last year.

The commercial environments are ready now.

Finally it is about mobile network. SKT is our partner for IPv6 deployment of our wireless network, and SKT is number 1 mobile telecommunications company in Korea. The number of subscribers is about 26 million, and it is about 50 per cent occupancy rate.

SKT is experiencing IPv4 shortage problem and also they have difficulties in handling NAT and double NAT. That is the background that they joined this project.

I prepared a demo clip, but we don't have enough time to see it, so let me skip it. It's about five minutes long. It summarizes what we have done last year. Please see it when you are free later. There is

the URL address on the slide.

From here, I want to show you how to implement the system and how to configure it, and describing the performance details. Let me skip them too. It is on the technical side for technical people. If you have interest in those contents, please go to the URL.

This shows you overall the structures. This shows you how to implement EPC systems, and there is performance details on the right side.

This is how to construct a wired network and WiFi network.

LTE wireless device test results. We tested whole devices in Korea to check the IPv6 support. We found that Optimus LTE is the only device that fully supports IPv6. Of course, the tested devices here are limited to products released in Korea, so please don't get it wrong, the test results could be different with service providers. For example, with Verizon or T-Mobile there are more devices supporting IPv6 than devices in Korea.

Some of the devices here in this list, they have already IPv6 packet inside the product. So it is just disabled. It means ISP has prevented the user from enabling IPv6 function for certain purposes.

WiFi wireless device test results: in case of Android OS, when IPv6 address couldn't be acquired, then

the WiFi connection was lost. To solve this problem, we should set a fake IPv4 address in AP. The second problem was that we failed to get DNS information. To solve this problem, we should set DNS information inside the device compulsory, via routing.

To provide the IPv6 content, we developed a mobile portal site and we developed an Android app and it was registered in the Google Play store.

NAT64 and DNS64 have been implemented in this project for IPv4 content interconnection. Please refer to the details on the right side.

Android operation test with NAT64. We tested several applications to see how it works with NAT64 environment. Some of them worked well and some of them did not, and basically -- generally, web based applications worked well. But applications related to the authentications and network telecommunications and streaming services, those applications have experienced some abnormal operations.

We realised that we need more efforts in software developing in those particular services.

Accomplishing the mobile network project with SKT, we could suggest scenarios for developing deployment of IPv6 in content, network and device, in the wireless environment and we also looked at problems and can

suggest solutions for them.

LTE service with IPv6 couldn't be commercialized. The biggest reason was that the IPv6 traffic monitoring and traffic calculation, and the billing systems were not supporting IPv6. So those are challenges that we should solve in the future.

Fortunately, SKT is going to adopt IPv6 for the commercial service independently. They are going to keep researching it.

IPv6 planning for 2013 is mostly similar to the plan of 2012, but what we are focused on and what we are going to focus on is analysing vulnerabilities in security equipment and benchmarking tests. We have found that IPv6 verification and performance analysis on IPv6 security equipment is inexperienced, and that is one of the big obstacles for IPv6 deployment. That is why we are going to focus on those areas.

The other one we are focused on is supporting vendors to spread IPv6 devices, such as smartphones.

That's all I have today. Thank you for having me.


Michael Biber: Thank you, Mr La. There was so much content in that presentation, I think it would take an hour to go through it all. I'm still not sure whether a O or an X is a good thing. If anybody else is

interested, have a separate conversation with Mr La, that would be great.

Our next presentation is from James Tan Kee Lim, who is with iDA Singapore.

He will talk to us about Singapore.

James Lim: Good afternoon, everyone. IDA have been developing the IPv6 transition program and running it for the past two years. This is our second year, and we have identified six different thrusts.

As you can see from the screen, first of all we raised the awareness of local industry by running conferences, as well as hosting a website to share with them the latest developments of IPv6 in Singapore.

We have also created some additional demand by co-funding top ranking websites in Singapore on their IPv6 transition.

To drive competency, we have identified or worked with a particular training provider to educate the local tertiary students on IPv6, as well as the professionals. We are also monitoring the performance of IPv6 and IPv4 in Singapore, to measure that both are equitable in terms of performance and continue to monitor the IPv4 exhaustion as well.

For the demand, we will see about at least 95 per cent of the agencies public facing websites ready

by March this year. We have also funded the top five ranking websites in Singapore, some of the popular websites like sgCarMart, Street Directory and JobStreet. These are some of the websites that are IPv6 ready today.

We have spoken to most of the local banks as well on enabling IPv6 for their e-services, and some of them will be moving to IPv6 this year.

On the supply side, we know that ISPs are aware of the need to deploy IPv6, but many lack a business case. From iDA, as a regulator, we have actually issued a policy to them to ensure that our local citizens can access IPv4 and IPv6 content by June 2013.

We have a website that publishes at least 20 v6 vendor solutions, training or services, to help the industry in selecting services for their IPv6 transition.

In terms of awareness, we have conducted two conferences and one executive briefing in the past. We have a website that sends out quarterly e-newsletters to our local professionals.

For competency, through a training provider we offered IPv6 Forum certified silver and gold courses. To date we have trained about 150 professionals at the local IHLs, that is to say the institutes of higher

learning, like our polytechnics and universities, we have trained more than a few thousand of them on IPv6.

Just a quick recap on our past conference in 2012. Our conference focus was IPv6 business opportunities, innovations and security. We invited esteemed speakers, like Geoff Huston, Chief Scientist of APNIC, Tom Coffeen, James Lyne, Eric Vyncke of Cisco.

We had also organized a forum for the financing industry, that is to say the banks, to discuss their challenges on IPv6 deployment.

For the conference, we managed to reach out to the wider industries, like health care and tourism. From the survey, most of them believed there are benefits in adopting IPv6, to ensure the business continues as usual.

Two key messages from this conference: if you continue to invest in IPv4 today, it will lead to higher costs when it comes to refresh your equipment. So companies should consider planning for IPv6 upgrade.

The second message, of course, is even though you are not implementing IPv6 today, your equipment might be shipped with the latest OS that supports IPv6, so there could be an inherent security risk that you may not know of.

These are some of the sharings we did for the IPv6

conference, we created five YouTube videos. You can search for it on YouTube.

Moving forward, we will be organizing an IPv6 innovation competition on 15 March, that is to say next month, for the students for the local polytechnics and universities. We invited guest of honour, Dr Latif, President of the IPv6 Forum, to be the judge for this competition. There are three main categories for the competition, mainly application development, product design and idea contest.

Of the 20-over received proposals we have shortlisted 12 for the final judges. It is open to anyone in the industry, so if anyone would like to join us on 15 March, please give me a call.

The key message behind this competition is to give the students a chance for hands-on on their IPv6 skills, because we have been training thousands of them on IPv6. So it's time for us to look at new ways of potential services they can think of.

Going forward, we have two separate new approaches. The first is IPv6 security. Earlier I mentioned that even in the pure IPv4 environment, there could be IPv6 vulnerabilities because your latest equipment could be dual stack. So what happened here is that we should educate the industries on the potential vulnerabilities

that can come with IPv6 and advise them to start planning early.

For services, it is very hard for us to convince the companies to deploy IPv6 because they need a business case. It is still quite hard for us to create awareness around this, through examples of typical IPv6 deployment. However, if you can show potential new services that you can use IPv6, I think it will be better show case for the industry.

I think that's all I have for today. Thanks a lot.


Michael Biber: That was great. Thank you.

That is the end of the economy updates. Our next speaker is going to talk to us on one of the three presentations for the remaining portion of this. Please welcome Jouni Korhonen, who is with Renesas Mobile Corporation and with 3GPP, and he is going to talk to us about mobility and IPv6. Welcome.

Jouni Korhonen: Hello, everybody. My name is Jouni Korhonen. I work for Renesas Mobile. We are basically, inside your mobile devices doing the LTE radios and application processors and so on. I also have quite a long background on the 3GPP IETF and IPv6 transition stuff.

Today what we are going to do is a quick overview of

the kind of recent progress in IETF related to transition mechanisms, what they are developing now. IETF has spent quite a lot of effort already defining and shipping out technologies, and some of them have already been deployed. They are still working on a bunch of new technologies, or a kind of extending existing ones to kind of meet the deployment criteria of different scenarios.

One of the current things is how to provide IPv4 access and extend IPv4 lifetime when deployed over ISPs' IPv6-only backbone.

We go through some recent activities and we won't go through all the existing ones.

Here I have an evolution map of the different technologies. We have the old NAT PT configured tunnels, tunnel brokers, and the more right you go, the more recent technologies we have.

For example, we have RFC6333, DS-lite, it is done, deployable, maybe some are already deployed. We have 6rd done and deployed, quite successful technology. We have a NAT64 -- I forgot to put a bubble for it, but it is also deployed already.

We have MAP-E encapsulation technology, there is a running code for it, we have MAP-T, also running code for it and tests have been done on it. There is XLAT

done, INI test in RFC HSQ, and even in this meeting we have a test network running on top of XLAT technology.

We have different variations of DS-lite providing IPv4 access over IPv6, and some provisioning mechanisms. In this road map, I didn't put any of these transition technologies that have been developed in the IP mobility area, like dual stack mobile IPv6, PMIP with IPv4 extensions, (MOB)IKE and so on. You can use all of those to provide some transition mechanism.

What are the current trends on the recent work of the IETF? Recently it is offering IPv4 end user service or IPv6-only connectivity and making sure that the extra customer service has a dual stack, so IPv6 natively and IPv4 in some form.

Extending IPv4 for a lifetime, using some technology, like address plus port, so you extend the address range with the port numbers. Also, in certain cases you can kind of make the IPv4 number insignificant, in the sense that you actually number your end hosts and your customers using the IPv6 transport that you have, and the IPv4 doesn't have anything significant from the transport point of view; it is mirrored there only to place the end host stack and so on.

Pushing the NAT state out of the ISP network to the

edge of the customer network, so making sure that the ISP network has as little state as possible.

Mesh or hub and spoke modes and also making the tools available for provisioning systems, to configure these different transition technologies on CPEs and so on.

Now I am going to go through this very quickly. Public 4over6 is kind of DS-lite, but you have pushed the NAT functionality into CE. It allows you also to provision public IPv4 addresses for your CE, if you happen to have those.

Stateless DS-lite -- basically what it does, it moves the carrier grade NAT away from the ISP network and places the NAT function in your CPE device, into B4. It also extends the technology with the port ranges. It also provides an ICMP based automated learning of this port range, so if the B4 is sending IPv4 packets with the wrong source address, the AFTR will send an ICMP back, saying you are using the wrong -- this is the port range you should be using. Basically it has only the address and port forwarding state per subscriber in the ISP network for the IPv4 addressing.

Again, something similar, so lightweight 4over6, basically the same as the two previous ones, just a small variation. Again, using the A+P.

This one we already talked about much earlier this morning, in the IPv6 plenary, so XLAT464.

One of the views -- it is a really nice fit in the mobile environment. I'm not quite sure whether it fits so well in the fixed line, but at least from the mobile point of view it is an excellent technology and one of these key things is the zero configuration from the operator's point of view. You don't need to provision your devices for this technology. The only thing you need in the network is DNS and NAT64 function that you would have anyway.

MAP-E and MAP-T are similar types of technologies. They have both translation and encapsulation modes, they allow having IPv4 addresses, also subnets for IPv4 on the customer network site. The key thing is how they define the address mapping, so they have a well defined way of algorithmically calculating the IPv6 address that embeds all the translation information that is moved within the network. It also works nicely in the mesh mode, so the CE devices can talk directly if they have native IPv6 traffic or even the MAP IPv4 traffic, they just happen to be in the same MAP domain.

It has a competitor called 4RD, which basically does the same, but from my point of view it is a bit more hacky. It does something that MAP-T cannot do, so it

has a bit more kind of expression power but it goes into a grey area how it does it.

As a summary, there is still a lot of innovation going on, so there seems to be no limits what engineers can come up with.

Some of these technologies, we know that they already are getting deployed and some already have been success stories. Thank you.


Michael Biber: It is a very difficult ask, to ask someone to do a lightning talk like this in virtually nine minutes, as there is such a wealth of content in each of these presentations. They all deserve a lot more time and we will try to give it to them at some point.

It gives me great pleasure to introduce our next speaker, who is a consulting systems engineer from Cisco Japan, Shushio Tsuchiya.

Shushio Tsuchiya: My name is Shushio Tsuchiya, from Cisco Systems Japan. I don't explain the specific technology, such as MAP-E and MAP-T and 6rd and I don't explain any products, such as ASR 9k and Nexus 7K.

I would like to introduce our website, Cisco IPv6 deployment statics.

The presentation, I will explain the IPv6 adoption life cycle. What people will do, when they try to

deploy IPv6 in the network, people should get IPv6 prefix from RIR and then they should advertise the prefix on the network. After that they should make the content which enables the IPv6, and ISPs should provide IPv6 service on the access network. Then, the end user has to have IPv6 enabled terminal. All of the conditions will be prepared, the traffic will be growing.

Measurement and analysis are important for people who are considering the deployment of IPv6 in their network.

What kind of information is provided on the Cisco IPv6 stat? Here is our web page. Please open This provides very graphically, if you put the cursor on the country, you can see the IPv6 adoption.

We also select the country by the region, and we are staying in Singapore now, and Singapore is there, and South-East Asia. Singapore is very little country, so it is difficult to find it, but you can find Singapore's IPv6 adoption rate today.

Also, we can show the detailed information of each of the categories. Here is the IPv6 prefixes. The IPv6 prefixes show data from the BGP peer to peer project, the allocation of IPv6 prefix data from Whois database

or by RIR. When allocating the IPv6 prefixes we check the reachability from the APNIC labs and Eric Vyncke's website.

We can also check the transit AS. IPv6 transit AS means transit AS of both IPv4 and IPv6. IPv6 enabled transit AS means an AS which is transit to AS for IPv4 network and which has an IPv6 prefix.

Also, we can check the web content. Alexa ranks web content by page view and unique user numbers. We are also checking -- for example, Japan has 27 IPv6 enabled sites on the top 500 domains. In deployment and testing, they have tested domains, such as and they have working IPv6, but the main site is not working IPv6. The failing means they have a AAAA record but the web page does not work on IPv6 sites.

And users: Google and APNIC are measuring end user IPv6 adoption, but the reality is slightly different in the countries where Google is not the number 1 search engine, such as Japan and China, the results are slightly similar.

We have a lot of data in the slides. Here is a summary. IPv6 stats provides IPv6 adoption of each country graphically. The result of the data would be hint of IPv6 deployment plan of future for you.

For example, this is the user data. France is very high ratio of users -- 4.85%/8.01%. provides 6rd and IPv6 CPE in default. As you know, Japan has a big problem in access network but it looks a good ratio, 2.17%. KDDI Au Hikari provides IPv6 native Internet service in their own access network in default.

Many US service providers attended the World IPv6 Launch, especially Verizon Wireless provide IPv6 IMS and Internet in their LTE network.

Why IPv6 traffic growth only just enabled IPv6 default? Because Windows 7, which is IPv6 enabled in default, exceeded Windows XP, and most of the browser enhancements by RFC6555 -- happy eyeball.

Also, nationwide IPv6 launch events have been used for deployment. Norway did IPv6 Day nationwide. As a result, transit AS and prefix was grown. 49 sites has AAAA in the top 500 Alexa sites. It might need to enable IPv6 access provider and CPE in default.

Brazil also did IPv6 Week nationwide. Prefix rate is very good and 49 sites has AAAA in the top 500 Alexa sites. But failing ratio is also high. The potential reason, transit AS is very low. It should enable IPv6 core network as the next step. Also, Akamai IPv6 white paper would be useful to enable IPv6 for contents.

Here is the source of our slides. Here is the

reference of our slides.

My presentation is ended. Thank you for your attention.


Michael Biber: Just while Phil Roberts is coming up, Phil is the Technology Program Manager for the Standards and Technology Department of the Internet Society and he will talk to us about World IPv6 Launch 2012 and aspects of that activity.

Phil Roberts: I am going to talk about our World IPv6 Launch activity that we did in 2012. I think there are three main things I want you to remember from this. The first is that the World IPv6 Launch activity was really a worldwide activity. We had participation from every region of the world. We had participation from Europe, North America and the Asia Pacific region.

Second, and very important, it was an industry-driven activity. This was not something that happened because governments told these people they needed to do it. All of them looked at their businesses and said that IPv6 was better for their business. So not only was it better for the Internet but it was better for their business in the long run, and they agreed to get together and do something together in a collaborative way to move the ball forward on IPv6.

Last, one aspect of this is ongoing. We did measurements through the end of 2012. Google, Facebook and Yahoo! measured access networks who were turning up IPv6. I would like to make it clear that we are going to continue those measurements through 2013. Google, Facebook and Yahoo! have agreed to keep doing those measurements.

If you work for a network that is turning up IPv6, you can go to the World IPv6 Launch website and register your network and your network's IPv6 traffic will show up in the measurements that these folks are doing, going on throughout the rest of the year.

What was it about? It was about access networks, websites and home routers getting together to move the ball forward on IPv6 deployment. Access networks agreed to enable IPv6 for their end users, websites agreed to turn up IPv6 by default and home router vendors agreed to ship home router products that had IPv6 fully enabled and enabled by default, so that end users would not have to do anything to be using IPv6, it would just work.

We hoped it would do three things: one, accelerate adoption. We hoped that people would see this and see that there is a growing momentum with IPv6. I think when I show traffic numbers a little bit later, you will see that there is an acceleration of IPv6 adoption. We

hoped that it would lead people to adopt IPv6 who had no plans of doing it. We hoped that people would look at it and say, "Wow, all of these big brands are doing this, it must be safe now for me to do that." We certainly see people continuing to add IPv6 to their road maps and to deployments. So we see that that has had that effect.

Finally, we hoped that it would define IPv6 as the new normal for the Internet. I think it is almost safe to say that the Internet is a v4 Internet and a v6 Internet and IPv6 is just part of what we think about as the Internet today.

Access networks agreed to turn up IPv6 by default for new users and made a commitment to have a certain percentage of their users active with IPv6 by 6 June. These access networks were from around the world. In Asia Pacific, there were access networks from Australia and Japan who participated in the initial press release. We have seen traffic grow in those regions since.

Google, Facebook and Yahoo! measured this traffic and we summarised those measurements on the World IPv4 Launch site, which I will show in a moment. The traffic depends somewhat on end user equipment. If you have not got v6 capable devices in your home, you won't show up as using IPv6, even though the network is enabled, but

you can still see there is a substantial growth in IPv6 in these networks.

These measurements are from December. Like I said, we did measurements on v6 launch itself. Then each month after that, we did measurements. These measurements are taken by Google, Facebook and Yahoo! and the numbers represent the amount of traffic coming to their network from these access networks, using IPv6.

The rank order is sort of by size. We kind of mash them up. None of those folks are willing to share their numbers publicly, so we mesh them together to make something that is reasonable. Basically, two of the three have to be reporting something from a network and it has to have some element of size. This is generally reflecting a rank order, in terms of size of IPv6 deployment, and the percentage is the percentage of the traffic that is using IPv6 coming from those networks.

Home router vendors, Cisco and D-Link stepped up and a few others stepped up also and made a commitment that the majority of the home routers they ship after v6 Launch Day would have v6 fully capable and on by default.

Finally, websites: certainly not least, but these four really major websites made a commitment that v6 was going to be available on their website and that they

would have a pervasive deployment of v6 on all of their services. Google, Facebook, Yahoo! and Microsoft Bing stepped up and they delivered. Many other websites joined. We made it possible for people to sign up. Certainly websites from all around the world have joined.

Some really large websites turned it up and we didn't know that it was going to happen. We didn't know that Wikipedia was going to turn up IPv6 on IPv6 Launch Day, everybody noticed that, and they have continued to leave IPv6 up.

Over 10 per cent of the Alexa top 1,000 websites are serving IPv6 today. As Cameron pointed out this morning in his presentation, there is a lot of traffic concentrated in the most popular websites. So if you are turning up IPv6 in your network, you should get a lot of v6 traffic just because of these major websites having turned it up.

This shows a little bit of the impact of the event. This is a graph showing where websites have turned up IPv6. The actual world map graphic is a little bit messed up, so ignore that. But the part on the bottom is correct.

Here are a couple of sample traffic graphs from AMS-IX and DE-CIX showing the percentage of v6 over

time, right up through February this year. You can see that there was some growth going up to World IPv6 Launch in June, but it didn't just stop there, it has continued to increase since then.

What's next? I think the main thing I want you to go away with is that we are planning to continue doing these measurements through 2013. Once a month, Google, Facebook and Yahoo! will run measurements of v6 traffic to their site from all the networks that are in our database. So if you have a network that you are turning up v6 in, please go join, sign up and when we publish the numbers each month on the website you will be able to see where your network stands.

I think it will be interesting to see, even the change from December last year. We weren't able to do measurements in January and February, there was some retooling going on, but it will be interesting to see the change even from December of last year, because there have been some pretty big networks from around the world that have turned up IPv6 since then. So we look forward to that next report.

We are very grateful that Google, Facebook and Yahoo! are continuing to share the measurements in a form that we can mash them up and make them available to the community, and we think it will be wonderful for

networks who are deploying IPv6 to get their names on that list, so more people can see where IPv6 is being turned up.

If you happen to work for a big website that is turning up IPv6 and doing interesting measurements and would like to help out in this measurement effort, contact us and maybe you can help.

Access networks, there will be more of them turning it up. I'm surprised, because periodically I notice that traffic in a country is growing. Eric Vyncke from Cisco publishes graphs of Google traffic on a per country basis and all of a sudden you can see that something has jumped on one of those graphs, and it is very exciting to see because people are just turning it up now.

I think that's all I have to say about it.


Michael Biber: Unfortunately we have come to the end of our allocated time, and we are about to be thrown out, so I am going to defer questions at this point.

I would like to acknowledge the 25 participants we have online and say thank you to all of them for joining us. Hi, wherever you are around the world. There are 80 participants in the room, so we have generated quite a lot of interest in this as well.

I would really encourage you to seek out the speakers, download the presentations, all of which should be available to you from the APNIC 35 website, and to make yourselves familiar with the material and to contact, if not in the venue here, at least by email, the people who generated this.

A great vote of thanks to everybody who shared their stories today, thank you very much for coming along and thank you to all the participants that were here.

That actually allows me to bring this session to a close, to thank Miwa for the work she has done, and to thank APNIC generally for their support of the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force and I look forward to the next meeting and to continue exposure of this IPv6 journey we are on.

Thank you all for joining us today and I look forward to mixing with the speakers and with you as well. Thank you for participating.