Policy SIG Co-chair Election
APNIC is seeking a volunteer to serve as Co-chair of the Policy SIG. The Co-chair is a voluntary position whose responsibilities include:
- Assisting with chairing the Policy SIG session
- Working with the Chair and other Co-chair to develop the agenda
- Posting proposals and information about the Policy SIG to the Policy SIG mailing list
- Working with the Chair and other Co-chair to encourage and facilitate discussion on the mailing list and at the APNIC meeting
For more details see Call for volunteers to be Policy SIG Chair posted to the Policy SIG mailing list.
Andy Linton was elected Co-chair of the Policy SIG.
Andy Linton
I have been involved in networking for over 25 years. I've worked at universities in New Zealand, Australia and England and ISPs such as AARNet, connect.com.au, Telstra, Telecom NZ and CityLink. I now work for Victoria University of Wellington teaching Network Engineering.
I have a strong understanding of the issues facing the Internet in the name and number space over the next few years. I have extensive experience in Internet policy setting. At APNIC 29 in Beijing, Terry Manderson and I proposed a policy change to make it easier for members to get their first IPv6 addresses. This change involved negotiation and compromise to make it acceptable to the APNIC membership and I believe I can help to facilitate good discussion and decision making in the Policy SIG.
I have been involved with APNIC since its formation when I was one of the original policy discussion group that worked with David Conrad during the startup period and I have done contract work for APNIC on RPSL database deployment and presented tutorials on RPSL and other topics at APNIC and RIPE meetings.
In the past I've served on the board of Public Interest Registry which manages the .org domain and on the council of InternetNZ. I am currently a Director of the .nz Domain Name Commission that manages and sets the policies for the .nz namespace and a trustee of the NZNOG Trust that oversees the NZ Network Operators' Group annual meeting.
I am one of the 14 global Trusted Community Representatives who oversee the DNSSEC key ceremonies where the cryptographic digital keys used to secure the Internet DNS Root Zone are generated and securely stored.
For over ten years I've worked with various groups in the Pacific nations to help them with technical issues - most recently I attended PacNOG in American Samoa as an instructor. Over the years I have worked with people from many different cultural backgrounds from the Pacific and Asian communities. I believe I have gained some understanding of our different ways of approaching problems and I hope I can approach issues with an open mind and a desire to reach decisions that work for us all.
I'd appreciate your support.
Ren-Hung Hwang
Dr. Ren-Hung Hwang is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan, which he joined in 1993.
He was the director of Ching Jian Learning Center from 2010-2011, Chair of the Computer Science and Information Engineering department from 2006-2009, Chair of the Communications Engineering department from 2002-2005, and director of the R&D department of the Computer Center from 1997-2002.
His research interests are in many areas of computer networks, including Internet routing, Internet QoS, next generation wireless networks, ubiquitous computing, social intelligence computing, and cloud computing.
He has published more than 200 articles on these and other subjects and has served as the program chair for ISPAN2009 and program committee member of numerous international conferences.
He has been a member of the IP address and protocol committee of TWNIC since 2005 and has conducted many research projects on IPv6 deployment and IPv4 exhaustion issues for TWNIC.
He has actively participated in the APNIC meetings since 2009 as a delegate of TWNIC.