Yahoo! Broadband case study for IPv6 deployment
Presented by Masato YAMANISHI (Softbank BB Corp.) [bio]
Since IPv4 address will be exhausted in a few years, network providers should decide their strategy, how to provide IPv6 connectivity and keep IPv4 connectivity without additional IPv4 global address, as soon as possible.
While various solutions for the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 are already proposed, each solution is based on different assumptions (e.g. for IPv4 connectivity or IPv6 connectivity, for IPv4 only network or IPv6 only network?) and may have different characters. So, each network provider should study appropriate solutions to meet their conditions and requirements.
Yahoo! Broadband, which is one of largest ISPs in Japan, recently decided their strategy for the transition and is implementing it. This presentation shows their conditions, requirements, considerations, and chosen solutions for the transition from IPv4 to IPv6 to share them with other ISPs.