NIR SIG Chair nominee: Izumi Okutani
Nominee Statement
I have been involved in the APNIC community since 2000 as Policy Liaison, to co-ordinate discussions between APNIC community and our own community in Japan.
I have experience in co-ordinating community discussions through JPNIC Open Policy Meeting as well as in LIR Update Meetings JPNIC organizes for our LIR members.
I have also been facilitating discussions at NIR SIG as Chair since 2005, and indivisually exchage information on regular basis as an NIR staff, with other NIRs.
I observe that NIRs run registries in its economies and co-ordinate closely with its members considering local culture with the own language. I believe good balance and co-ordination is important between local situation within NIRs economy and APNIC region as a whole.
I would like to continue to make contribution in such a way as NIR SIG Chair for the coming two years.