What's On
Dr Who - Exhibition
During APNIC 58, you will have the opportunity to visit the Dr Who, Worlds of Wonder Exhibition located on the ground floor of Takina.
APNIC 58 delegates receive a 30% discount. For more information and to book, please see here.

We Will Rock You – The Musical
We Will Rock You has offered an exclusive discount to APNIC 58 conference delegates! Since 2002 over 16 million theatregoers in 28 countries have been thrilled by this awe-inspiring production which is based on the songs of Queen with a book by Ben Elton (The Young Ones, Blackadder, Popcorn).
The season runs at St James Theatre from 15 August to 1 September. The special conference offer is NZD 75 for premium seats, for performances on Tuesday to Friday only. To book tickets, please see here.