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The APNIC Program Committee (PC) is now seeking presentations for the APNIC 58 conference in Wellington, New Zealand. We are looking for content that would suit technical sessions, tutorials, lightning talks, BoFs and panel discussions.

APNIC 58 conference registration is free for selected speakers, however speakers must fund their own travel if presenting in-person. The PC will give preference to in-person presentations over remote presentations.

Key Dates

Call for Presentations Opens Wednesday, 24 April 2024
First Round Acceptance Monday, 27 May 2024
Final Deadline for Submissions Thursday, 27 June 2024 (Extended to 12 July 2024)
Final Round Acceptance Saturday, 27 July 2024

Program Material

The APNIC 58 program is organized in two parts; a workshop week followed by the conference. The three-day conference includes technical sessions, panel discussions, tutorials, and Birds of a Feather (BoF) and Lightning talks sessions.

Topics for conference sessions must be relevant to Internet operations and technologies. The following topics are examples of possible areas of interest.

  • IP core network routing, switching and
  • IPv6 deployment and transition technologies
  • Access and transport networks including Cable/DSL, LTE/5G, wireless, metro ethernet, fibre, segment routing
  • Cyber security, network security issues (NSP-SEC, DDoS, Anti-Spam, Anti-Malware) and BCPs
  • Software defined networking, network function virtualization and network automation
  • Content & service delivery (Multicast, Voice, Video, Telepresence, Gaming) and cloud computing
  • IXPs and Peering
  • Internet of Things (IoT) architectures, standards, services, security, addressability, and manageability
  • Smart Cities architecture, security, and addressing
  • Research on Internet operations and deployment

Presentations are expected to last 20 minutes, and tutorials are expected to last 90 minutes. It's acceptable to submit a talk you've already given or have submitted to another conference.

Lightning Talks

Lightning talks are short talks/presentations on relevant topics that last no more than 10 minutes, including Q&A. This time limit is strictly enforced. Lightning talks are open to all.

Talks on topics that are timely, interesting, or even a little crazy, are invited. The APNIC 58 PC will evaluate all submissions and choose the best submissions. Talks must be relevant to the Internet operations community, as per the program material.

Speakers typically prepare three or four slides. Final slides must be provided with the talk proposal. Please note in your submission if you wish to make a live demonstration.

Speakers typically prepare three or four slides. Final slides must be provided with the talk proposal. Please note in your submission if you wish to make a live demonstration.

To submit a Lightning talk, please do so via the conference submission system — please select the LIGHTNING TALK option for your submission.


Draft slides MUST be provided with submissions otherwise the PC will be unable to review the submission. For work in progress, the most current information available at the time of submission is acceptable.

All draft slides submitted for PC review must be in PDF or PPT format only. Final slides are to be provided one week before the conference starts for publication on the APNIC 58 conference website.

Prospective presenters should note that the majority of speaking slots will be filled well before the final submission deadline. The PC will retain a limited number of slots up to the final submission deadline for presentations that are exceptionally timely, important, or of critical operational importance.

Any questions or concerns should be addressed to the Program Committee by email [apnic-pc @ apnic dot net] or

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