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Taiji Kimura

Nominee details

Taiji Kimura
Senior Expert

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Manju Chen

Biographical info


Taiji Kimura is the senior expert in Japan Network Information Center (JPNIC). He received a Master's degree from the Graduate School of Information Science at Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) Japan.

Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

Taiji has participated periodically in APNIC meetings as a JPNIC staff member since 2003 and has been involved in events/sessions related to RPKI as well as technical exchanges between NIRs.

Nominee statement

Routing security is a broad topic in network security. While RPKI is in the ROA deployment phase, important topics such as ASPA and deployment continue. It is important to build enthusiasm in the SIGs that serve as points of contact for the initiatives of the wider generation, etc., and for the opinions of experts in the APNIC community.

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Reason for nomination

I am working on routing security such as RPKI at JPNIC, JPNIC has deployed RPKI and been cooperate with other NIRs and experts for better deployment. I would like to work on it from various angles, such as research, implementation, and activities to spread awareness in the community. I would like to be active in this SIG so that it can be a place where those involved and those who will be responsible for future technologies can play an active role.

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