Other meetings
A number of meetings were held onsite in Fiji, in conjunction with APNIC 18.
CEOs' meeting
Tuesday 31 August, 14:00-17:30
The first ever APNIC CEOs' Meeting was an opportunity for CEOs and senior executives of Internet organisations to meet and discuss issues of common interest. The meeting was also a chance to provide feedback on APNIC's business model and activities, Internet governance, and the role of the RIRs. Finally, the meeting provided a forum in which attendees could network with industry peers.
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APTLD (Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association)
Tuesday 31 August, 14:00-17:30
The APTLD meeting was an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the activities of the Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Association, and included two presentations. �
Topic |
Presenter |
Organisation |
Type |
Paper/Presentation |
TLDs, related Orgs and Internet governance |
Peter Dengate Thrush |
International Affairs Committee |


Introduction to APTLD |
Ian Chiang |


TLDs, related Orgs and Internet governance
Tutor: Peter Dengate Thrush
Peter is a former chair of InternetNZ, and is currently chairman of its International Affairs Committee. He has served as a board member of APTLD since June 2000, and is currently its Chair. He has been active in developing a role for the ccTLDs in relation to ICANN, serving as the APTLD member of the ccTLD's international Administrative Committee, and on the Launching Group of the ccNSO.
Peter has been involved in Internet governance since 1998, providing, as part of the Boston Working group, critical input into the draft Bylaws before the incorporation of ICANN. He has served on a number of ICANN committees, including the Independent Review Advisory Committee and recently the cross constituency Working Group of the WSIS.
30 years after the invention of the Internet and its implementation as a tool for academics, the issue of Internet governance has reached the United Nations. No technology has ever been implemented so widely, and so rapidly. No technology has ever been implemented on an international scale before the law governing it has been developed in at least one domestic model.
In this presentation, Peter Dengate Thrush will outline the development of a model for the coordination of the technical resources underpinning the Internet, from the early days through to the recent achievements of ICANN. He will also look at the emergence of newer issues of particular concern to governments and users, and how these might be dealt with.
Introduction to APTLD
Tutor: Ian Chiang
Ian Chiang has been part of the APTLD Secretariat since August 2002. He is mainly responsible for supporting the APTLD Board and Committees, as well as the general operation of APTLD. He is also on staff at TWNIC (Taiwan Network Information Center), where he is mainly responsible for coordinating international affairs and public relations.
APTLD is an organisation for ccTLD (country-code Top Level Domain) registries in the Asia Pacific region. It was originally established in 1998, and legally established in 2003 in Malaysia.
APTLD is a forum for the exchange of information regarding technological and operational issues for domain name registries in the Asia Pacific region. As an interface to other international Internet coordinating bodies, APTLD also fosters and elevates the participation of Asia Pacific ccTLDs in these global fora, while acting in the best interests of APTLD members in global Internet policy making processes.
APTLD is based on membership. This session will include a brief introduction of APTLD and an opportinuty for Asia Pacific ccTLDs to join APTLD.
APOPS (Asia Pacific Operators Forum)
Wednesday 1 September, 18:00-19:00
Co-chairs: Philip Smith (Cisco Systems Inc) and Hideo Ishii (Asia Global Crossing)
The Asia Pacific Operators Forum (APOPS) provides an opportunity for members of the Internet community with a shared interest to meet informally and exchange ideas.
APOPS was established as a mailing list for ISP operations engineers as early as 1996. With the growth of the Internet in the region, the first APOPS meetings were held as part of the APNIC annual members meeting in 2000.
Since then APOPS meetings have been held during the annual APRICOT conference and the mid-year APNIC meeting.