New MyAPNIC features
New MyAPNIC functionality rolled out to improve services.
As part of our continuing commitment to improving MyAPNIC services, we are pleased to announce new functionality in MyAPNIC that allows existing APNIC Members to apply for Internet number resources on behalf of their downstream customers.
MyAPNIC is a secure services website for Members to manage their Internet resources. This new feature, a 'Referral Application', allows a Member to apply for resources for their customers, enabling the customers to get the resources they need, for example, their own /22 of IPv4 address space. While the Member may have the option to manage the resources on their customer's behalf, the downstream customer remains the custodian of the Internet number resources and will have their own Member account.
Application is quick and is completed via the referral application form in MyAPNIC. However please note, like any other Internet number resource requests, any application will need to meet relevant policy criteria for approval.
For more information, please contact