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PETALING JAYA, MALAYSIA 19 – 27 February 2025
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APRICOT Peering Social


Date: Tuesday 25th February 2025
Time: 18:30-20:30 (UTC +8)
Venue: Crystal, Level 15, MWorld Petaling Jaya Hotel

The APRICOT Peering Social aims to provide an opportunity for delegates who have participated in the afternoon Peering Forum to meet colleagues and potential peers in a relaxed social setting.

The Peering Social is by invitation only, and is generously sponsored by DE-CIX and Equinix.

Participants of the APRICOT Peering Forum will receive invitations to the Peering Social from the session chairs of the Peering Forum and representatives of the two sponsors during the Peering Forum itself. Priority will be given to Peering Forum speakers and Peering Personal presenters, with a maximum of two invitations per organisation, due to capacity limits of the venue. Remaining invitations will be distributed on a first come first served basis to organisational peering coordinators.