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Zhen Yu

Nominee details

Zhen Yu
IP Operations Manager
China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)

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Zhen Yu

Biographical info


I joined China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in 2011. As an IP Operations Manager, I am responsible for IP service, membership development and conference & training program.

During the last 14 years, I've been working on improving member service level by optimizing the business process, adding new services and organizing IPv6 trainings to members and community. Through our efforts, CNNIC IP Conference has become a well-known platform for information exchange, experience sharing and project cooperation in China internet community. Before joined CNNIC, I had worked in a telecom solution provider for over 10 years, involved in many IPv6 related events and projects.

Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

I have been involved in APNIC activity for more than 10 years. I participated in the hosting of APNIC 36 in 2013. I have served the community as NIR SIG Co-Chair for 8 years (from 2015 to 2022).

Nominee statement

NIR SIG has built a platform for information exchange, experience sharing and cooperation among NIRs.

It is playing an important role in promoting IPv6 and RPKI. As a member of NIRs, I hope to contribute to NIR SIG, to serve the community. I hope to have your support to serve as the NIR SIG Co-Chair.

Nominated by

China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC)
Reason for nomination

Zhen Yu joined China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) in 2011. As an IP Operations Manager, He is responsible for IP service, membership development and conference & training program.

Before joined CNNIC, He had worked in a telecom solution provider for over 10 years, involved in many IPv6 related events and projects.

Zhen Yu have been involved in APNIC activity for more than 10 years. He participated in the hosting of APNIC 36 in 2013.

Zhen Yu have served the community as NIR SIG Co-Chair for 8 years (from 2015 to 2022). His experience and abilities will serve NIR SIG well.

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