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Karl Kloppenborg

Nominee details

Karl Kloppenborg
ResetData Pty Ltd

Karl Kloppenborg

Biographical info


I've spent the last fifteen years working in telecommunications and/or computing related organisations as either systems or network engineering. Recently I've become the CTO of Reset Data - focused on high performance cloud computing.

Over these years I've been engaged in developing many carrier networks and datacenter systems.

I also have several years of executive and board operational experience, analysis of budgets and financial statements and general business operational experience.

Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

Over the last several years I've been actively involved in a series of APNIC changes, and advocated for a number of APNIC related activities. I am looking for a meaningful way to contribute more to the community at large.

Nominee statement

I am very pleased to be nominated for the NRO NC.

The last few years have seen myself and other vocal for protections and other meaningful change within APNIC and other RIRs. I believe that by working within the NRO I can better shape the IPv4 & IPv6 future and provide meaningful change that will strengthen the internet as a whole.

Nominated by

Christopher Hawker
Reason for nomination

I am thrilled to put forward Karl Kloppenborg as a candidate for the NRO NC. With his extensive background in computer engineering, particularly in systems engineering and distributed systems programming, Karl stands out as a remarkable community builder. His rich experience and deep knowledge will be crucial in shaping the policies that govern the distribution of APNIC resources.

Karl’s technical acumen, dedication to community-driven initiatives, and ability to foster collaboration make him an outstanding choice for this role. He has the necessary qualities to promote open discussions, welcome diverse opinions, and craft effective policies that respond to the dynamic needs of the APNIC community.

I fully endorse Karl's candidacy and believe he will significantly contribute to the community’s policy development efforts.

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