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7 - 14 September 2023

Simon Sohel Baroi (This nominee withdrew his candidacy on 10 September 2023)

Nominee details

Simon Sohel Baroi
General Manager
Fiber@Home Global Limited

Mukhammad Andri Setiawan

Biographical info

  • Bachelor of Science - Electrical & Electronics Engineering
  • Masters of Business Administration – Economics
Relevant Chair Experience

I have joined 15 APNIC events, starting from APNIC35. In APNIC I always involved myself in technical and policy discussion. Till date I have submitted 5 policies. Out of that 3 have been accepted by the community and implemented in the main policy document. I was part of the APNIC Community Trainer program from the beginning till 2022. Also I was NRO NC for 2 years under APNIC umbrella and completed some important tasks in ICANN. Also one year I was in IANA-RC on behalf of APNIC.

Nominee statement

Last 16 years I have been working in the world of the Internet. I started my journey from dialup link and mIRC era. I saw a great evolution of the Internet in my life as well as new types of security issues. I want to contribute my skills and experience in APNIC's Routing Security SIG in numerous ways. My technical knowledge on routing, routing security and cyber security, would be valuable to APNIC's efforts to ensure the stability and security of the global Internet. This is a platform, where we can talk and share about network operations and routing security issues and bring solutions to the table which brings impact in the community. The mailing-list and other communication platforms of this SIG can bring much value to the community to mitigate the daily and sudden routing security issues.

I'll continue to attend various operational meetings and discuss with community members what is necessary for APNIC to meet members' expectations. I would like to ask for your support to get me elected as Co-Chair of Routing Security SIG and to improve the activities for the future.

Nominated by

Internet Exchange Nepal (NPIX)
Reason for nomination

Simon Sohel Baroi has contributed significantly to the Internet community in the Asia Pacific Region. I have witnessed Simon’s leadership and commitment not only limited to Asian community, but also in ICANN as NRO NC.

Simon is a General Manager and Technical Head of Fiber@Home Global Business Limited, based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

His biggest achievement is to build the First international Terrestrial Cable System at Indo-Bangla Border. Through this cable, Fiber@Home is now serving 25% of Internet and International connectivity for Bangladesh. This project destroyed the monopoly in the market. Before Fiber@Home he was in the telecom regulator of Bangladesh, named – Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission ( BTRC ).

Simon is also heavily involved in so many NOGs and International community driven organizations like bdNOG, SANOG and APNOG in different roles. Beside his technical activity, he is also very active in Internet Policy Development Discussions in several local and international forums.

SImon Sohel Baroi is eminently qualified, and is the best person for the role. Without any doubt he is an ideal candidate for the Co-Chair in Routing Security SIG.

Windstream Communication Limited
Reason for nomination

I am delighted to nominate Simon Sohel Baroi for the role of Co-Chair of the APNIC Routing Security SIG. Simon's extensive experience spanning 16 years in the realm of the Internet, combined with his profound understanding of routing and routing security make him an exceptional candidate for this position. Simon's journey, has witnessed the remarkable evolution of the Internet and the emergence of new and complex security challenges. His keen insights into the transformation of the Internet landscape uniquely position him to contribute effectively to the Routing Security SIG.

His technical expertise is of immense value to APNIC's commitment to strengthen the stability and security of the global Internet. His comprehensive knowledge in routing and security matters, coupled with his dedication to addressing network operations and routing security issues, is a valuable asset to our community. Through the platform provided by the APNIC Routing Security SIG, Simon aims to foster discussions, share insights, and devise impactful solutions that resonate within the community.

I believe that he has the capacity to contribute significantly to the future activities of the Routing Security SIG. Therefore, I wholeheartedly support Simon Sohel Baroi's nomination for the role of Co-Chair of the APNIC Routing Security SIG. His leadership, dedication, and vision will undoubtedly elevate the quality and impact of the SIG's initiatives.

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