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7 - 14 September 2023

Shaila Sharmin

Nominee details

Shaila Sharmin
Cyber Security Architect, Information Security
Prime Bank Limited

Shaila Sharmin

Biographical info

  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Computer Science & Engineering
  • Master of Science (M.Sc) in Computer Science specialization in Computer Network & Architecture
  • Professional certifications like CISM, CEH, CCNP enterprise, CCNA cyber ops etc.
Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

I had started attending APNIC 41/APRICOT 2016 in Auckland and ever since have been attending many APNIC conferences held in the past few years. I have actively participated in Special Interest group (SIG) and APNIC Policy discussions. My regular participation in APRICOT, APNIC, SANOG, bdNOG and other meetings in the Asia Pacific Region gives me the knowledge to understand and analyze the issues affecting our region.

Highlights of my involvement:
  1. Serving as a Policy SIG Co-Chair for the period APNIC 53 – APNIC 56.
  2. Executive Committee Member of bdNOG.
  3. APNIC Community Trainer.
  4. Attended APNIC 41/APRICOT 2016 as a fellow and joined Advanced BGP five-day Workshop focusing on key technical and operational areas.
  5. Attended APNIC 42 as Co-trainer of IPv4/IPv6 Routing workshop and speaker of Lightning Talks session.
  6. Attended as a speaker of BoF: NOG Reports and Co-organized & moderated Tech Girls Social in Kathmandu, APRICOT 2018.
  7. Me with a small group of community members had proposed for ‘APAC-ICT-Women’ mailing list, dedicated to women working in the Asia Pacific region’s ICT industry. After securing the APNIC EC’s support of the proposal, which I did at APRICOT 2018 in Kathmandu, with the support of the APNIC Secretariat, we worked together on opening the mailing list which is functional now.
  8. Attended APNIC 46 as a speaker.
  9. APNIC 48 and APNIC 50 Program Committee Co-Chair and Technical Session moderator.
  10. SANOG 25 fellow, current Fellowship Committee Member of SANOG and Co-Trainer of SANOG 32 & SANOG 39 workshops.

Nominee statement

Drawing upon over 12 years of professional experience, I have worked in diverse sectors encompassing ISP, Banking and WiMAX Network. I have extensive hands-on experience in Core and Enterprise Routing and Switching, Security Technologies with all major vendors. At present, I am working as Cyber Security Architect in a leading Bangladeshi bank Prime Bank Limited. Prior to my current role, I have served as System security analyst at Information Security Department of Brac Bank LTD, Senior Core Network Engineer at Link3 Technology, a nationwide ISP in Bangladesh, and in a WiMAX company named Banglalion Communications Ltd.

Over the past few years, I have gained adequate experience in the fields of Internet Network configuration and Management, vast knowledge of Regional Internet Registry for number resources and Domain Name Registry Services. I believe a good balance of technical knowledge; Internet history & policy understanding is important for this role, and I would like to make contributions to this region and to APNIC conferences. I have read the Co-Chair responsibilities and I am confident to serve the community.

Nominated by

Izumi Okutani
Mintel Group Ltd.
Reason for nomination

I have known Shaila through co-organising of lunch session for Women in ICT. Although it was still early days in her community engagement and activities, from that point in time, she had passion and dedication in serving the community, to facilitate a place which accommodates diverse community members to share their voices.

Since then, Shaila stands out as an active vibrant member of the Asia Pacific Internet community, known for her dedicated contributions and expertise. As a current Policy SIG Co-chair from APNIC 52 to APNIC 56, she showcased strong leadership and community influence.

Her active involvement in industry events like APNIC, APRICOT, SANOG and bdNOG underscores her commitment to policy and technical discussions in the AP Region. She has a good understanding of the policy development process.

Shaila's dedication finds further manifestation in her roles as an Executive Committee member and trainer at Bangladesh Network Operators Group events for years. Her commitment extends to her position as an APNIC Community trainer. It is worth noting that she's been a cornerstone of the Program Committee for multiple bdNOG, APNIC, and APRICOT events, having seamlessly transitioned into the role of PC Co-Chair for the esteemed APNIC 48 and APNIC 50 gatherings.

Facilitation of Policy SIG requires a deep understanding of the sentiments and the needs of the community, network operations, as well as the ability to coordinate a diverse range of opinions. I believe Shaila meets all the required experiences and talents to serve as the Policy SIG Co-Chair.

With her remarkable track record, Shaila is a strong contender for Policy SIG Co-chair, offering diverse expertise and regional perspective. I believe she would be an appropriate candidate for the Policy SIG Co-Chair, to represent and voices and the diversity of the APNIC region.

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