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7 - 14 September 2023

Jocelyn Bateman

Nominee details

Jocelyn Bateman
Global Interconnection Strategy
Amazon Web Services


Biographical info

  • Associate Diploma Electrical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Business (e-commerce)
  • Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) #8596
Relevant Chair Experience

As Chair of the AusNOG Program Committee, and Committee Member of the New Zealand Internet Exchange, I deal with many members during decision making within the committee. I am simultaneously required to provide clear inclusive feedback to those both on the committee, and members whom decisions' affect. This involves a lot of clear communication, approachability, and willingness to support the best ideas, whomever they might belong to.

Experience and involvement in APNIC activities

Working for Amazon Web Services (AWS), we actively take steps to steps to increase the security of not only our customers but also help the internet as a whole protect itself. I am therefore familiar with using Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) to secure our announcements and discard invalid ones within our global network.

Additionally, AWS collaborate with other network operators through industry initiatives like Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS), and Internet Society (ISOC) supported initiatives aimed at securing global internet-routing.

I understand that signing our IP-space with a Route Origin Authorisation (ROA) enables the internet as a whole to make sure that AWS, and our customers’, IP addresses can only originate from AWS-authorised autonomous systems (AS), all of which achieves routing security.

Nominee statement

I'm interested in supporting the best possible outcome for routing security for the countries within the APAC region. I'm quite focused on achieving results that help the majority, and also help the future of the Internet. I listen more than I talk, and believe in making calm and fair decisions.

Nominated by

Aftab Siddiqui
Reason for nomination

Jocelyn has always been a network engineer. Growing up on the farm, from herding cows to herding packets, and managing fences to managing firewalls, she has always had an innate ability to navigate diverse environments.

She gained experience working on the first Internet built in Australia during her first job with Telstra. In her 20s, she dedicated weekends to earn numerous certifications, including CCIE and security. With many roles in Carrier Networks under her belt, she is currently thriving at Amazon Web Services and enjoying her position in the Global Interconnection Strategy Team.

Beyond technical competence, she is a strong community person, always willing to share knowledge and collaborate with the members of the community. Her effective communication skills make her an invaluable asset in interacting with stakeholders at all levels. Community engagement is a vital aspect of fostering strong and sustainable relationships within a community. She actively contributes as a committee member for New Zealand Internet Exchange (NZIX) and Australian Network Operators Group (AusNOG). She is based in Brisbane, Australia.

As a Routing Security SIG Chair, I am confident that Jocelyn will continue to be an outstanding advocate for the collective interests of our network community. Her collaborative approach and ability to listen and understand diverse viewpoints will undoubtedly contribute to a more inclusive and dynamic community environment.

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