Aftab Siddiqui
Nominee details
- Title
- Mr.
- Name
- Aftab Siddiqui
- Position
- Network Engineer
- Organization
- Aftab Siddiqui
Biographical info
- Education/qualifications
- BS Computer Science
- MS Information Technology
- 15+ years of experience in the ISP operations, worked as system integrator for few years and now working for Internet Society.
- Experience and involvement in APNIC activities
Active participant in several SIG, previously served on the ASO-AC for 6 years. Have been chair of routing security SIG since its inception 3 years ago.
Nominee statement
I strongly believe that Routing Security SIG has been providing a well needed platform for the community to discuss the issues which impacts their network operations and it also provides a bridge to discuss value-added features and operational support APNIC services team can provide to make network and routing operations smooth. We lost some momentum due to covid and need to work aggressively to achieve the targets we set for ourselves after community consultation when we established this SIG. I would like to provide my services in the best possible way to make that happen.
Nominated by
- Organization
- Fiber@Home Global Limited
- Reason for nomination
Aftab Siddiqui started the network security/abuse BoF back in 2016 which eventually transformed into the Routing Security SIG. With his strong technical and operational background Mr. Siddiqui has been leading the routing security SIG since its inception and have managed to transform the discussion with the APNIC community around routing security. Many discussions around routing security and APNIC services has resulted in more transparency. I believe he can lead the Routing Security into a stronger platform in the coming days as we move to hybrid/in-person meeting environment. He is a key contributor to the several regional, and local efforts in the APNIC community and has been an active participant in SANOG, APNIC/APRICOT and MENOG for many years.