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Anupam Agrawal

Nominee details

Anupam Agrawal
India Internet Foundations

Anupam Agrawal

Biographical info

  1. Chartered Accountancy from Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
  2. Fellow European Summer School on Internet Governance
  3. Chevening Fellow on Cyber Security
  4. Convenor – AG 10 (Outreach) in ISO/IEC JTC 1 on ICT Standardisation
Experience and involvement in APNIC activities
  1. Chair of India Internet Foundation (IIFON) – a not for profit organization working on critical Internet Infrastructure and Internet measurements. IIFON supports Community IX namely Kolkata IX, hosts root server instances and is working on Internet Measurements. This has provided the understanding for synergies and efficiencies required for management of Internet number resources. IIFON is having an MoU with APNIC for collaboration on capacity development.
  2. Senior Consultant at TATA Consultancy Services in Corporate Industry Forums & Standards Cell. Engaged with ICT Standardization communities globally through different SDOs.
  3. Past Chair of Internet Society Kolkata Chapter which worked with APNIC on IPv6 capacity development in the local region over last 10 years.
  4. Member APNIC Working Group on Policy Development Review.
  5. Member INSIG Core Committee

Nominee statement

APNIC in its role of managing the number resources depends on the IANA numbering services operator to perform IANA numbering services as per the global policies decided by the community. The Review Committee has to ensure that the SLA agreement with the IANA numbering Services Operator is followed in letter and in spirit. It will be my endeavour to see that the different aspects of the agreement besides SLAs are functional and effective so as to ensure any risk in continuity of IANA numbering services is highlighted early and actioned upon. The developments in the committee will be continuously communicated to APNIC community for feedback and inputs which will then be placed in the Review committee for consideration of other RIR members of the committee.

Nominated by

India Internet Foundation

Reason for nomination

Anupam Agrawal has been engaged with APNIC community for more than 10 years now and currently is engaged with activities related to Internet governance and Critical Internet infrastructure both at local & regional levels. He is also engaged with different stakeholder communities including academia and standards development organizations globally. His educational background, work experience with an IT services company and his involvement with APNIC stakeholder communities provides a blend of understanding to review the IANA numbering services agreement and provide inputs relevant for the RIRs in the review committee.

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