SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs perform a vital role in managing the SIGs. The effectiveness of a SIG is dependent on the active participation of the Chair and the Co-Chair. All SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs undertake their work on a volunteer basis for a two-year term period.
SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs are expected to attend at least one of the two APNIC meetings held each year. When SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs attend an APNIC meeting, and a session is held for the SIG, they are expected to attend that session.
SIG Chairs and Co-Chairs must remain subscribed to the SIG’s mailing list for the duration of their term.
The SIG Guidelines prefer that Chair and Co-Chair terms end in alternate years to provide continuity if there is a change in leadership.
Nominees and self-nominees will be required to attest they can perform the Chair and Co-Chair responsibilities detailed in the SIG Guidelines.
Policy SIG
Nominations are now closed for two Co-Chair positions.
The election will be the first agenda item of the Policy SIG session on Thursday, 20 February 2020.
- Roufique
- Ching-Heng Ku
- Bertrand Cherrier
Cooperation SIG
Nominations are now closed for a Co-Chair position.
The election will be the first agenda item of the Cooperation SIG session on Tuesday, 18 February 2020.
- Bikram Shrestha
- Bronwyn Mercer
Routing Security/RPKI/* SIG
Nominations are now closed for a Chair position.
The election will be the first agenda item of the Routing Security/RPKI/* SIG session on Thursday, 20 February 2020.
- Md. Mashiur Rahman
- Aftab Siddiqui