Open Policy Meeting
Policy Proposal outcomes
Thank you to all who participated int he APNIC 44 Open Policy Meeting.
The following policy proposals were discussed at the APNIC 44 Policy SIG over three sessions.Reached consensus after revised proposal:
- prop-116: - Prohibit to transfer IPv4 addresses in the final /8 block
- After community discussion, author changed two year period to five years.
- Removed text “This restriction will end when final /8 address block (103/8) run out.”
- prop-118: - No need policy in APNIC region
- prop-119: - Temporary transfers
- prop-120: - Final /8 pool exhaustion plan
- Remote Participation for SIG Chair/Co-Chair Election (Izumi Okutani)
- Strong support for remote participation in consensus processes and for voting in SIG Chair Elections
- Desire for some degree of identity checks
- Proposal to make changes to facilitate remote online voting in SIG Chair elections to be discussed in the mailing list by community
- ICANN ITHI (Identifier Technology Health Indicators) (Alain Durand)
- Report on Domain Name ITHI activities
- The NRO is driving the evaluation of ITHI metrics for the Numbers community
- The RIR registry services have proposed a set of metrics focused on data accuracy. Those metrics are now being reviewed by the RIR community
Proposal summary and translations
The policy proposals to be discussed at APNIC 44 have been translated into the following languages.
Proposals to be discussed |
English |
Chinese (Simplified) |
Chinese (Traditional) |
Hindi |
Indonesian |
Japanese |
Thai |
Vietnamese |
Policy SIG Sessions at APNIC 44
Policy SIG 1 | Wednesday, 13 September 14:00 to 15:30 Splendor Room II & IV |
Policy SIG 2 | Thursday, 14 September 09:00 to 10:30 Splendor Room II & IV |
Policy SIG 3 | Thursday, 14 September 11:00 to 12:30 Splendor Room II & IV |

How to participate
As the APNIC Policy Cycle is active before, during, and after each Open Policy Meeting, it is important to participate during all phases. Before and after the meeting, discussion about policy proposals happens on the Policy SIG mailing list.During the meeting, you can participate in the policy discussion in person by attending the meeting, or use the remote participation facilities available on this website.
How to participate in the policy process
Consensus Policy Making
IP addresses and AS numbers are shared resources, available for use by anyone who can demonstrate the need for them. APNIC policies ensure these resources are distributed fairly and consistently across the whole Asia Pacific region. Proposed policy changes are discussed in the Policy SIG.
APNIC policies are decided by the Asia Pacific community in a consensus decision-making process that is:
- Open
- Transparent
- Bottom-up
Links to other resources

- View the Policy SIG page
- Visit the mailing list archive
- Subscribe to the mailing list
- Instructions for using CONFER
- View the APNIC SIG Guidelines
- View current and past policy proposals
- Understand the policy development process
- Visit the archive from the APNIC 43 Open Policy Meeting