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APOPS Plenary II / APNIC Plenary: IPv4 Depletion and IPv6 Takeup

Wednesday, 27 February 2008, 09:00-10:30
Ballroom 1, level B2,
Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei


PDF = PDF, Powerpoint = Powerpoint, Transcript = Transcript, Video = Video, Audio = Audio
Topic Presenters Slides Archive
Perspectives and Current Discussions around ISOC and IETF Fred Baker, ISOC PDF (1.6MB) Video Audio
We regret that the first eight minutes of audio of this presentation is unavailable
Japan's discussion for preparation toward IPv4 Address Depletion Akinori Maemura, JPNIC PDF (1.9MB) Video Audio
Update from Taiwan's NICE (Next-generation Internet Connectivity Environment) Project Hong-Ren Lo, Chungwa Telecom Video Audio