25th APNIC Open Policy Meeting - APNIC Member Meeting Minutes
Friday 29 February 2008, Howard Plaza Hotel, Taipei
Meeting commenced: 09:20
Chair: Paul Wilson
- Welcome
- Introduction to Secretariat reports
- APNIC Secretariat reports
- NRO NC election procedures and speeches from candidates
- EC election procedures and speeches from candidates
- Financial reports
- Workplan and budget 2008
- APNIC EC report
- NRO report
- IANA report
- ASO AC report
- APNIC SIG and BoF reports
- RIR reports
- APNIC 26 host presentation
- Open discussion (open mic)
- APNIC EC elections result
- NRO NC election result
- Next meeting, prize draws, thanks and closing
Presenter: Paul Wilson
The Chair opened the APNIC Member Meeting. He thanked KRNIC of NIDA and JPNIC for sponsoring the APNIC 25 AMM. He then explained the agenda and noted that the APNIC EC election and NRO NC election would be occurring.
The Chair invited suggestions for additions to the agenda. There were none.
Introduction to Secretariat reports
Presenter: Paul Wilson
The Chair presented an overview of the APNIC Secretariat. The current structure consists of Services, Communications and Business Areas. He explained that the APNIC Senior Executive Team at APNIC consists of the Area Managers and the Chief Scientist. He noted that two new Area Managers had begun work at APNIC in 2008: German Valdez and Richard Brown. The Chair detailed the high-level structure of each Area and reported that the Secretariat staff turnover rate had slowed during 2007.
The Chair explained the APNIC planning process, noting that the primary input was the APNIC Member Survey. He stated that the next APNIC survey would be launched in the third quarter of 2008. The Chair noted that the survey results and the proceedings of the Open Policy Meetings feed into APNIC activity planning.
APNIC Secretariat reports
Services Area
Presenter: Guangliang Pan
Guangliang Pan reported on Internet resource distribution in the APNIC region, noting that demand for Internet resources had been high throughout the past year. During 2007, 4.2 /8s were allocated, 57 IPv6 allocations were made and 656 AS numbers were delegated. In 2007 all allocation levels were higher than in the previous year.
Guangliang Pan reported that APNIC had 1584 members at the end of 2007. He noted that the Secretariat had streamlined the membership application procedure, making it possible for a new member to apply for membership and resources using a single form. Guangliang Pan reported that the response time for processing reverse DNS delegations and digital certificates had been reduced to one business day.
Guangliang Pan stated that the APNIC Training Unit had conducted training events at 30 locations during 2007, nearly doubling the total number of training events conducted in 2006. He noted that 92 members from 24 economies had responded to the APNIC Training survey in 2007. The Training survey showed a demand for more training courses to be held more frequently.
Guangliang Pan reported that key projects in the Services Area during the previous year had been: MyAPNIC, the events management system and ARMS. He stated that priorities in 2008 would be MyAPNIC 2, integration between finance reporting systems, and ticketing and workflow system enhancements.
Questions and discussion
- None
Communications Area
Presenter: Srinivas Chendi
Srinivas Chendi gave an overview of the top priorities for the Communications Area Units. In the Policy Unit, the top priorities for 2007 were policy implementations, improving policy development process documentation, and increasing mailing list subscriptions.
Priorities for the External Relations Unit in 2007 were APNIC 24 in New Delhi (the first APNIC Open Policy Meeting in South Asia) and APNIC 25 in Taipei. The presenter thanked sponsors for making APNIC meetings possible. He then explained the functions of regional liaison officers, including working with regional Network Operator Groups (NOGs) and NIRs.
Srinivas Chendi reported that recent activities by the Publications Unit included the Annual Report and Apster. Beginning in 2008, Apster will be published twice per year. The Publications Unit is also working on redeveloping the APNIC website. During 2008 the Communications Area was responsible for NRO Secretariat communications.
Questions and discussion
- None
Technical Area
Presenter: George Michaelson
George Michaelson gave an overview of the activities of the Technical Area. He reported that the Software Engineering Unit had improved MyAPNIC performance, which was particularly useful for APNIC members with slow connections. In 2007 the Software Engineering Unit had also worked on new reverse DNS management services and improved application forms. Priorities for 2008 include MyAPNIC 2 and improved resource management systems for IPv6.
In 2007, George Michaelson reported that the Research and Development Unit deployed four-byte ASN test systems in Japan and Brisbane. The Research and Development Unit also deployed a DNS monitoring system in Japan that feeds into OARC (Operations, Analysis, and Research Center), a worldwide public repository of statistical information relating to DNS.
George Michaelson stated that, in 2007, the Network Operations Unit deployed the new reverse DNS delegation system on APNIC servers and installed a new anti-spam appliance to improve email services. The Network Operations Unit is now using the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework.
George Michaelson reported that the Security Unit deployed a host-based intrusion detection system and is planning improvements to the certification authority APNIC uses to issue certificates for MyAPNIC.
Questions and discussion
- None
NRO NC election procedures and speeches from candidates
Presenter: Paul Wilson
The Chair explained the role of the NRO Number Council (NC). He explained that the NC election usually occurs during the second APNIC meeting of the year; but as this had not happened at the previous meeting, the election was being held at APNIC 25. He noted that because of this, the term for the elected NC member would be slightly shorter than the normal two years.
The Chair explained the voting procedures. He explained how to complete valid ballot papers, noted the voting entitlements, and stressed the deadline for return of ballots.
The Chair invited nominees to speak. He invited representatives to speak on behalf of nominees not able to attend the meeting.
David Woodgate and Kenny Huang were present at the meeting and addressed the attendees, explaining their backgrounds and hopes to serve the community.
Mohammed Hanif Reza Bhuiyan, Mohsin Farhan Siddiqui, Nitin Walia and Vish Yelsangikar were not present and did not have representatives to speak on their behalf.
Questions and discussion
- None
EC election procedures and speeches from candidates
Presenter: Paul Wilson
The Chair reported that there were three positions to be filled on the APNIC Executive Council (EC). He explained that voting was only open to APNIC members with registered voting contacts. The Chair explained the voting system, noting the MyAPNIC online voting and proxy procedures that applied for this election. He explained how to complete valid ballot papers, noted the voting entitlements, and stressed the deadline for return of ballots.
The Chair invited nominees to speak and invited representatives to speak on behalf of nominees who were not able to attend the meeting.
Che-Hoo Cheng, Ma Yan, MH Billy Cheon and R S Perhar were present at the meeting and addressed the attendees, explaining their backgrounds and hopes to serve the community.
David Hughes was not present and James Spenceley spoke on his behalf.
Akinori Maemura spoke to attendees via videoconference.
Azhar Muhammad, Scott Bartlett, Vinh Ngo and Vish Yelsangikar were not present and did not have representatives to speak on their behalf.
Questions and discussion
- None
[Break 10:40-11:00]
Financial reports
Presenter: Kuo-Wei Wu
Kuo-Wei Wu presented the APNIC financial report for 2007, noting that the hardcopy of the report was available at the meeting. Highlighting the fee change from USD to AUD, he talked about the complications caused by the falling value of the USD that had affected APNIC’s stability.
Kuo-Wei Wu discussed the growth in membership, the completed audit of the annual accounts, and the operating loss of USD199,467. He showed the distribution of membership by economy, and displayed a profit and loss statement.
He discussed the APNIC Secretariat’s efforts to control the amount of loss in 2007, noting that 2007 was the first time since 1998 that expenses exceeded revenues.
Kuo-Wei Wu outlined the implementation for the AUD fees system, the development of the budget management system and procedures, and the new payroll system.
Questions and discussion
- None
Workplan and budget 2008
Presenter: Paul Wilson
The Chair discussed the APNIC budget planning process, highlighting considerations for APNIC’s expenses, revenues, and cash flow.
The Chair then showed the projected expenses for 2008, with a detailed breakdown of the individual components. He said that the salary component was relatively low. He then showed a breakdown of the anticipated revenues for 2008, noting that it was a conservative estimate. He said that there should be a surplus of around AUD494,000.
He explained that the purpose of APNIC’s capital reserve was to spend it when the need arose, noting that it was used in 2007 to make up the deficit between expenses and revenue.
The Chair then explained that the overriding philosophy of budget policy was to ensure financial stability. He noted that the budget information was available in printed form by request. He also reported that the latest Apster included details about how the fluctuations in a selection of local Asia Pacific currencies indicated an overall decrease in membership fees for many in the region.
APNIC EC report
Presenter: Maemura Akinori
Akinori Maemura presented the EC report via videoconference. He listed the APNIC EC members and outlined the roles of the APNIC EC members. He explained the schedule of EC meetings and noted that the EC was reviewing the processes and documents by which it operates. Akinori Maemura explained that one of the outcomes of that review was an EC handbook, which is available from the APNIC website.
Akinori Maemura reported that one of the major elements of review in 2007 was the fee structure. After undertaking this review, he reported that the EC decided to change the APNIC fee structure. Akinori Maemura said that the EC would continue to study the fee structure in 2008.
Akinori Maemura then discussed the 2008 budget and explained that the objectives of the budget were to achieve an operational surplus and maintain capital reserves equivalent to 100% of the annual operations cost.
Akinori Maemura reported that the EC had appointed Toshiyuki Hosaka to the NRO Number Council for 2008. He noted that the NRO and ICANN had exchanged letters to mutually recognise their respective roles and responsibilities, as well as to provide a response to the review of the ICANN Joint Project Agreement. He noted that the NRO financial contribution to ICANN has been agreed upon for 2008.
Questions and discussion
- None
NRO report
Presenter: Paul Wilson
The Chair presented this report in his capacity as the Chair of the NRO. He briefly outlined the structure of the NRO EC, as well as the purpose and function of the NRO.
He noted the exchange of letters between the NRO and ICANN, the voluntary yearly contribution of USD823,000, and that there would be further contract discussion in future about creating a more formal arrangement. He said that the RIRs contribute to this figure based on their respective financial capabilities.
The Chair reported on NRO activities at the New Delhi ICANN meeting, including the Government Advisory Council (GAC) session on IP addressing, the IANA IPv6 workshop, and a meeting with the ICANN staff about more inter-RIR coordination of activities. He also noted that the NRO had responded to the US government’s mid-term review about the ICANN Joint Project Agreement (JPA). He stated that the NRO was supportive of the ICANN model, that ICANN should be independent, and that the JPA should end.
The Chair reported on NRO participation at the Internet Government Forum (IGF) in Brazil in December 2007. He said that there are two NRO representatives on the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group (MAG). He explained that the ‘Continuing Cooperation Report’, released in time for the IGF in Brazil, reported on the NRO’s efforts towards enhanced cooperation since the Tunis Agenda was established.
The Chair noted that the next IGF would be in Hyderabad, not New Delhi as originally announced, in December 2008.
Questions and discussion
- None
ASO AC report
Presenter: Toshiyuki Hosaka
Toshiyuki Hosaka explained the function of the ICANN ASO AC. He discussed details of its structure and charter, the members, and the activities conducted over the previous six months. These activities included teleconferences, a face-to-face meeting, a Chair election, an ASO public workshop at the Los Angeles ICANN meeting, and work on a global policy proposal template. He reported that two proposals were on track to become Global Policy Proposals.
Toshiyuki Hosaka referred the meeting attendees to http://www.aso.icann.org for more information.
Questions and discussion
- Louis Lee noted that the terms of office for AC members were slightly different between the regions.
IANA report
Presenter: Barbara Roseman
Barbara Roseman reported on IANA’s recent activities, including adding IPv6 to the root zone. She noted that IANA’s new website removed confusing wording to make the site easier to understand.
Barbara Roseman also discussed automation work, stating that the Root Zone Manage System (RZM) was currently in a beta stage.
Questions and discussion
- The Chair stated that APNIC was very grateful for IANA’s help, and highlighted David Conrad and Leo Vegoda’s contributions.
APNIC SIG reports
Policy SIG
Presenter: Toshiyuki Hosaka
Toshiyuki Hosaka explained the Policy SIG’s charter and the APNIC policy development process. He reported on the proposals and informational presentations made at the Policy SIG at APNIC 25.
He reported that the Policy SIG began with a ‘Setting the Scene’ session on the Wednesday afternoon of the meeting, followed by discussion of the policy proposals on Thursday.
There were seven formal proposals presented in the Policy SIG, two of which reached consensus.
prop-050: IPv4 resource transfers
- Action pol-25-003: Philip Smith and proposal author to draft a simplified version of prop-050, 'IPv4 address transfers' that also adds consideration of non-permanent transfers.
prop-052: Cooperative distribution of the end of the IPv4 free pool
- Abandoned
prop-053: Changing minimum IPv4 allocation size to /22
- Action pol-25-004: Pending approval at each remaining stage of the policy proposal process, APNIC Secretariat to implement the /22 minimum allocation size component of prop-053, 'Changing minimum IPv4 allocation size to /22'.
- The Chair asked for a show of hands to endorse the consensus of the SIG to adopt this proposal. There were no objections.
prop-055: Global policy for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 address space
- Action pol-25-002: Policy SIG Chair to return prop-055, 'Global policy for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 address space' to the Policy SIG mailing list for further discussion.
prop-056: IPv4 soft landing
- Abandoned by the author. Action pol-025-005: David Conrad to consider creating a proposal based on prop-056, 'IPv4 soft landing' that incorporates feedback from the APNIC 25 Policy SIG presentation.
prop-057: Proposal to change IPv6 initial allocation criteria
- Action pol-25-001: Pending approval at each remaining stage of the policy proposal process, APNIC Secretariat to implement proposal prop-057, 'Proposal to change IPv6 initial allocation criteria'.
- The Chair asked for a show of hands to endorse the consensus of the SIG to adopt this proposal. There were no objections.
prop-058: Proposal to create IPv4 shared use address space among LIRs
- Abandoned. The proposal authors have been encouraged to take the issue to the IETF.
Questions and discussion
- David Woodgate asked whether a finalised version of prop-53 would be passed to the mailing list. The Chair replied that a final revised version would be posted to the APNIC website in the near future.
Presenter: Izumi Okutani
Izumi Okutani explained the charter of the NIR SIG and reported that Billy Cheon had been elected as a second Co-Chair. She reported that consensus had been reached for prop-054, ‘NIR operations policy document revision’. She noted that the NIR SIG had also included activity reports from KRNIC and TWNIC.
Questions and discussion
- None
IPv6 technical SIG
Presenter: Yoshinobu Matsuzaki
Yoshinobu Matsuzaki reported that there were 30 attendees, no action items, and five informational presentations the IPv6 technical SIG. He reported that the informational presentations included an IPv6 report from APNIC, IPv6 deployment reports from Taiwan and Japan and an overview of the APRICOT network architecture.
Questions and discussion
- None
Routing SIG
Presenter: Philip Smith
Philip Smith introduced the Routing SIG and reported on the agenda and action items. He reported that he had been re-elected unopposed as the Routing SIG Chair for two more years. Philip Smith stated that the APNIC Internet Routing Registry Working Group (IRR WG) would become part of the Routing SIG. He reported that following APNIC 25, the Routing SIG would examine its charter on the mailing list.
Philip Smith summarised the presentations given at the Routing SIG.
Questions and discussion
- None
Presenter: Gaurab Raj Upadhaya
Gaurab Upadhaya reported that Raphael Ho had been elected as the IX SIG Co-chair. He reported that the four informational presentations had been given in the IX SIG, with more IX presentations given during the rest of the Inter-provider Relationship stream.
Questions and discussion
- None
[Break 12:30 - 14:05]
DNS operations SIG
Presenter: Edward Lewis
Edward Lewis reported that Sam Sargeant had been elected as Co-chair and that four presentations were given in the DNS operations SIG session. Presentations included IPv6 DNS operations, an update on .CN DNS operations and a report on BIND 10 developments. He noted that the DNS operations SIG participants planned to discuss the SIG’s charter on the SIG’s mailing list following APNIC 25.
Questions and discussion
- None
Presenter: Srinivas Chendi
Srinivas Chendi reported on the BoF on behalf of the Chair, Arth Paulite. He reported that feedback received in the BoF included requests to add more reverse DNS features and to make the looking glass tool in MyAPNIC more user friendly.
Questions and discussion
- None
RIR reports
Presenter: Ray Plzak
Ray Plzak did not use slides for this presentation, but instead referred to a printed report that was distributed throughout the meeting room. He reported on recent ARIN activities, including the ARIN Board of Trustees’ approval of the legacy Resource Services Agreement (RSA), the status of policy proposals in the ARIN region, and IPv6 outreach activities.
Ray Plzak reported that at the last ARIN meeting in Albuquerque, 13 policy proposals had been presented. He noted that of those proposals presented, of particular interest to the APNIC community was the fact that the ARIN Advisory Council had decided to merge two similar proposals that dealt with the final distribution of the IANA free pool.
Ray Plzak reported that ARIN was increasing its IPv6 outreach services in response to the ARIN Board’s IPv6 statements.
Ray Plzak stated that there was some discussion on the Public Policy Mailing List (PPML) about proposed modifications to ARIN’s transfer procedure. He also invited attendees to review ARIN’s updated consultation and suggestion program.
Questions and discussion
- David Woodgate asked if the legacy RSA had an impact on the status of addresses.
- Ray Plzak replied that the legacy RSA was solely about the relationship between ARIN and the resource holder and was not about the resources themselves.
Presenter: Ray Plzak
Ray Plzak presented the AfriNIC report on behalf of AfriNIC. He reported on AfriNIC activities in 2007, including training activities, the status of policy proposals, changes to the IPv6 fee schedule and the launch of MyAfriNIC.
Ray Plzak reported that IPv6 deployment in the AfriNIC region was increasing very rapidly. He reported that there had more than 100% growth in AfriNIC’s membership since 2005 and that over 50% of active LIRs in the AfriNIC region were now using MyAfriNIC.
Ray Plzak reported that proposed changes to AfriNIC’s policy development process had been ratified. He also reported that the ‘IANA policy for allocation of ASN blocks to RIRs’ had been ratified by AfriNIC.
Questions and discussion
- None
Presenter: Roque Gagliano
Roque Gagliano reported that LACNIC celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2007 and that it had experienced a large increase in members over the past year. He reported on LACNIC activities in 2007.
Roque Gagliano reported that although the total number of IPv4 allocations LACNIC had made in 2007 had not increased over 2006 figures, the total amount of IPv4 addresses allocated had increased. IPv6 allocations also increased in 2007.
Roque Gagliano reported that LACNIC’s budget had increased from $150,000 in 2002 to $1.7 million in 2008. He noted that LACNIC was engaged in strategic planning. As part of LACNIC’s vision to be a leader in the construction and articulation of efforts for Internet development and stability in Latin America and the Caribbean, LACNIC was participating in the FRIDA program and with eLAC.Roque Gagliano reported on policy proposal development in the LACNIC community, including three IPv6 proposals that reached consensus. The consensus proposals allow a service provider’s infrastructure to be considered when applying for IPv6 allocations; remove the ‘interim’ status from the IPv6 policy document; and allow LIRs to sub-allocate more than a /48 to each customer. Roque Gagliano noted that there was also discussion about the policy for subsequent allocations to LIRs and discussion about revising LACNIC’s policy process.
Questions and discussion
- None
Presenter: Nick Hyrka
Nick Hyrka stated that RIPE NCC management and the Executive Board had been involved in planning activities. He reported that K-root, operated by RIPE NCC, was one of the root servers now supporting IPv6 and that RIPE NCC’s address reclamation activities had now reclaimed almost two million unused IPv4 addresses. Nick Hyrka reported that the RIPE NCC was also supporting the activities of the Enhanced Cooperation Taskforce and had offered new and updated modules to its training courses.
Nick Hyrka reported that there had been a lot of policy discussion in the RIPE region and that there were currently about ten proposals under active discussion. He reported that the RIPE NCC was working on a resource certification prototype to be discussed at the upcoming RIPE meeting in Berlin.
Nick Hyrka reported that the RIPE NCC Science Group had been analysing the recent cable cuts in the Middle East and the YouTube address block hijacking that had occurred earlier in the week. He played a movie produced by the Science Group on the YouTube incident.
Questions and discussion
- None
Presenter: Jonny Martin
The presenter invited the APNIC community to attend APNIC 26 in Christchurch New Zealand. He reported that other Internet-related events would also be taking place in New Zealand in August, including APAN, the InternetNZ IPv6 Hui and an IPv6 Workshop. He described some of the attractions of the area and encouraged any potential sponsors of the meeting to talk to him or the APNIC Secretariat.
Questions and discussion
- None
Open discussion (open mic)
- James Spenceley asked participants to remember that all attendees had the same goals and to keep the level of politics in EC elections to a minimum in future.
- Ole Jacobsen suggested that it would be good to have a written summary of the IPv6 test that occurred during the Wednesday APOPS Plenary III session.
- Randy Bush replied that there was a wiki site associated with the test. He encouraged participants to see the IPv6 presentation from the session for details of the wiki.
- Ole Jacobsen invited participants to attend the organ demo social event during the APNIC 26 meeting in Christchurch.
- David Woodgate noted that there were more changes currently occurring in the Internet’s development than had happened in the past 10 years or so. He asked if APNIC had considered its long-term strategic plans and business positioning over the coming years.
- The Chair noted that, within the APNIC EC, there had been discussions similar to those currently underway at RIPE. He explained that the discussion had not been as formal as RIPE’s and that the APNIC EC was willing to hear statements and suggestions from the APNIC community. He agreed with David that APNIC should think seriously about the issue.
- Ray Plzak stated that the ARIN Board has been engaged in strategic planning and was investigating what ARIN would look like in 2025. He reported that the Board had held three sessions on forward planning within the last nine months.
- David Woodgate asked if it would be possible that, considering the time limitations on the EC, the Secretariat could draft a strategic plan under the directive guidance of the EC members.
APNIC EC elections result
Presenter: Joao Damas
Joaos Damas, as scrutineer, reported that there had been 453 ballot papers received, all of which were valid. These were combined with the votes that were cast online. The successful candidates were:
- Akinori Maemura, with 1303 votes
- Che-Hoo Cheng, with 1051 votes
- Ma Yan, with 753 votes
NRO NC election result
Presenter: Joao Damas and Paul Wilson
Joaos Damas, as scrutineer, reported that there had been 40 ballots, all of which were valid. These were combined with the votes that were cast online. The successful candidate was Kenny Huang, with 90 votes
The Chair noted that there had been questions about the proxy nominations available to APNIC members wishing to vote in the APNIC EC election. He explained that the APNIC By-Laws were very clear about the rules for proxies. He stated that in the coming year, APNIC would focus on using MyAPNIC to make proxy nominations and to properly authorise how staff members at APNIC member organisations were assigned voting rights. He noted that APNIC had tried using MyAPNIC for this purpose for a while, but had not achieved the rate of use hoped for.
Next meeting, prize draws, thanks and closing
Presenter: Paul Wilson
The Chair drew lucky draw prizes for the newcomer, training, SIG and AMM surveys. He invited all participants to attend the informal closing dinner to be held that evening and thanked sponsors, Google and Nominet, for sponsoring events during the week and KRNIC of NIDA and JPNIC for sponsoring the AMM. The Chair handed out certificates of appreciation to sponsors.
He thanked SIG and BoF convenors, stenographers, APNIC EC members, RIR colleagues, APNIC staff and participants. The Chair gave special thanks to TWNIC, the host of APNIC 25. He invited everyone to attend APNIC 26 in Christchurch and APNIC 27 in Manila. He noted that APNIC 27 would be the first APNIC meeting held in the Philippines since 1998.
Questions and discussion
- None
Meeting closed: 3:30 pm
Minuted by Sam Dickinson and Simon Nettle