When: Tuesday 4 September 2007, 18:00-19:00
Led by Srinivas Chendi and Sanjaya, APNIC
ICONS (Internet Community of Online Networking Specialists) is APNIC's user-run web site.
Join the ever-expanding ICONS community to discuss Internet technologies and issues, such as IPv6, DNS, DNSSEC, routing, spam, and security. Come to the BoF to see an ICONS demonstration and to tell us how you would like to see ICONS grow. If you do not have an ICONS profile, we will help you create a profile at this BoF.
When: Wednesday 5 September 2007, 18:00-19:00
Led by Merike Kaeo and Barry Greene
Security incidents are a daily event for Internet Service Providers. Attacks on ISP customers, attacks from ISP customers, worms, BOTNETs, and attacks on ISP infrastructure are now one of many "security" NOC tickets throughout the day. Stopping attacks at their source requires rapid and effective inter-ISP co-operation. This BoF is intended to be a face-to-face meeting for ISPs who are interested in learning more about the ISP Security Forum. It is also a be a regular opportunity for the NSP-SEC community to meet. For more information, see the NSP-SC mailing list at:
ISOC BoF: Rejuvenating the Delhi Chapter
When: Wednesday 5 September 2007, 18:00-19:00
The Internet Society Delhi Chapter was formed in 2003. The President, Rishi Chawla, is stepping down from his position due to work commitments. We invite everyone interested in being a part of the Delhi Chapter to come to this BoF. We will discuss how you can volunteer your time to reactivate the Chapter and identify potential interest and activity areas.
When: Thursday 6 September 2007, 18:00-19:00
Led by Srinivas Chendi and Sanjaya, APNIC
MyAPNIC is a secure portal for APNIC members to manage their Internet resources and other APNIC related services from their computer. This BoF is for current and future members of APNIC. We would like to hear about your experiences with the portal, and discuss how APNIC could make MyAPNIC more beneficial for you.