Security tutorials
Tuesday 22 February, 9:00-17:30
Intended audience
Presentations are targeted to both Network administrators and engineers who are responsible for implementing network security within an organisation and any one who has an interest in system security implementation strategy.
Introduction to Security protocol
An introduction to security services and the mechanisms that can be used to provide them. The presentation will also show how the security mechanisms are employed in a few security protocols.
APNIC Certification Authority overview
The presentation on APNIC CA overview will give some real life examples of the security protocol standards in action. It will cover:
- Client certificates
- Client certificate SSL (MyAPNIC)
- Whois update X.509 certificate support
- RFC3779 certificates (future direction)
- Authentication and authorisation of resource custodianship
JPNIC Certification Authority overview
The presentation will cover:
- Status and plan for JPNIC CA
- Client certificate
- Client certificate for SSL (IP registry system)
- Certificate management
- Future directions
- Certificates for LIR transactions
ISP infrastructure security design and implementation strategy
The tutorial will provide attendees with the knowledge to plan and design network infrastructure in order to be prepared for security threats, reducing any issues of vulnerability. Implementation strategy will include the following phases:
- Preparation
- Identification
- Classification
- Traceback
- Reaction
- Post analysis