MAEMURA Akinori has a truly balanced understanding of various issues
of Internet address policy and of NIR (National Internet Registry)
operation in Asia Pacific Region. His contribution, not only as one of
the APNIC Executive Council (EC) members in the past three and a half
years but also as a chair of NIR SIG had been so valuable to the
He has always fulfilled his role with enthusiasm and I believe that he
will continue to make positive commitments to EC activities as well as
in the address management area.
In the area of IP address governance, Akinori has always energetically
participated in the discussions, including his own proposal on the IP
address management, at the APNIC Open Policy Meeting.
He also makes an effort to have an active involvement with the issue
of IP address governance in Japan as a Director of JPNIC IP Department
through sharing information with relevant parties in Japan, at every
possible opportunities as JPNIC Open Policy Meetings.
Akinori began his IP career in 1994 with designing a nation-wide IP
network operated by NEC Corporation, and actively contributed for the
Japanese Internet Community including JANOG, Japan Network Operators'
Group, since 1997, and JPNIC members.
Currently he is working for France Telecom Networks and Carriers
Division and in charge of Regional IP Product Management. He is also
Director of JPNIC IP Department responsible for the IP address
management in Japan, and current Chair of APNIC EC.