HM consultationThe online registration for APNIC Hostmaster consultations is now closed. APNIC Hostmasters are available during the 15th APNIC Open Policy Meeting in Taipei, Taiwan to meet with APNIC members to discuss issues relating to resource requests and registrations. Registrations can be made at the APNIC Helpdesk onsite but should be booked at least a half day in advance of the session sought. Preference will be given to APNIC Members. However non-members who wish to attend may register and be placed on a waiting list. If there are any free places available, these will be allocated to the waiting list. To register for a vacant session, please see more information about HM consultation in the APNIC Onsite Notice Board. EnquiriesAny enquiries about Hostmaster consultations can be emailed to or can be made at the APNIC helpdesk in the Taipei International Convention Center from 8:30 am on Monday 24 February 2003. Cancelling a consultationIf you cannot keep your appointment, please cancel your registration as soon as possible by advising the APNIC staff at the APNIC helpdesk or by emailing |