This tutorial introduces service providers to some of the features available in BGP to aid multihoming to the Internet.
The tutorial will include:
- explanation and principles of multihoming
- multihoming examples using different scenarios
- options available when multihoming to the same ISP (including RFC2270) and to different upstreams.
- configurations for modifying inbound and outbound traffic flows
The tutorial concludes with a case study, and an examination of the use of BGP communities by several ISPs.
Tutor - Philip Smith
Philip Smith has been with Cisco Systems for four years. He is part of the Internet Architectures Group under CTO Consulting Engineering. His role includes working with many ISPs in the Asia Pacific region, specifically in network design, configuration, scaling and training.
Prior to joining Cisco, he spent 5 years at PIPEX (now part of UUNET's global ISP business), the UK's first commercial Internet Service Provider. He was one of the first engineers working in the commercial Internet in the UK, and played a key role in building the modern Internet in Europe.
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