Sponsorship Invitation

(If you need to print this document, it is available in Word and PDF formats.)


APNIC is pleased to invite sponsors to support the next APNIC Open Policy Meeting, joining leading Internet organisations and key industry figures in assisting the development of the Internet in the Asia Pacific Region.

Event Description

The APNIC Open Policy Meeting is a regular and major developmental forum within the Asia Pacific Internet community, particularly in the areas of infrastructure management and technical policy. It is marketed to and attended by the membership of APNIC ?which comprises over 500 major ISPs across 34 countries ?and by members of the broader technical and policy community of the region.

The APNIC Open Policy Meeting presents the major opportunity for members of the Asia Pacific Internet community to come together and participate in training, policy development, and informal networking. It attracts participation of other Asia Pacific Internet organisations, whose formal and informal meetings provide additional opportunities for interaction between participants.

Vital facts

When? Wednesday 25 to Friday 27 October 2000

Where? Novotel Hotel, Brisbane, Australia

Who? The APNIC Open Policy Meeting attracts key industry figures as speakers and tutors. It is attended by business and technical representatives from ISPs throughout the region. On the basis of previous events, APNIC expects approximately 150-200 participants at this meeting.

What? The program features formal training sessions and tutorials, informal "Birds of a Feather" (BOF) meetings, technical policy sessions, and the APNIC Member Meeting. Specific topics for training and technical sessions will include IPv6 addressing, Internet routing, DNS management, security and certification, ICANN/ASO issues, and regional Internet resource management policy.



APNIC is one of three Regional Internet Registries in the world and is responsible for the distribution and management of numeric Internet address space in the Asia Pacific region. As a membership organisation comprised of many of the major Asia Pacific ISPs, it is the primary source of operational services, policies, and training related to the management of IP address space in the region. Furthermore, as a respected and authoritative voice in the Internet community, APNIC represents this region in the development of global Internet policy.


Why Sponsor the APNIC Open Policy Meeting?

APNIC Open Policy Meetings provide substantial benefits to the Asia-Pacific Internet community; however, as a non-profit organisation, fully funded by membership contributions, APNIC relies on strategic sponsorships to assist it in fulfilling its role.

We have prepared a list of preferred sponsorship options which would help APNIC meet the following objectives:

In return for their support, sponsors will be presented with valuable opportunities to expose their organisation, its products, and services to an international audience of Internet leaders. Importantly, this exposure would be in the context of a respected, recognised, and highly credible forum.


Sponsorship options and benefits

If you need more information about sponsoring this event, please contact APNIC Business Manager, Kyoko Day. Alternatively, you may simply complete and return the sponsorship pledge form attached, indicated your preferred sponsorship option.

Sponsorship option

Type of contribution

Details of contribution

Additional benefits


APNIC Open Policy Meeting, Day 1, Wednesday 25 October 2000


Contribution to costs of lunch and coffee breaks.

Value US$3,000

  • Priority "Gold sponsor" listing, with large logo, in conference program/website and welcome signage, and "sponsored by" acknowledgement in conference schedule.
  • Banner of reasonable size to be displayed in both major meeting rooms*.
  • Specific message of thanks in conference opening and closing receptions
  • 4 complimentary APNIC meeting registrations
  • 2 complimentary APNIC tutorial registrations
  • One A-3 size logo/name at registration table


APNIC Open Policy Meeting, Day 2, Thursday 26 October 2000


Contribution to costs of lunch and coffee breaks.

Value US$3,000

  • As for option A


APNIC Open Policy Meeting, Day 3 (The APNIC Member Meeting), Friday 27 October 2000


Contribution to costs of lunch and coffee breaks.

Value US$3,000

  • As for option A


APNIC Member Training, Tuesday 24 October 2000


Contribution to costs of lunch and coffee breaks.

Value US$1,500

  • "Silver Sponsor" listing, with medium logo, in conference program/website and welcome signage, and "sponsored by" acknowledgement in conference schedule.
  • Banner of reasonable size to be displayed in training room*.
  • 2 complimentary APNIC meeting registrations
  • 1 complimentary APNIC tutorial registration
  • One A-4 size logo/name at registration table


Opening Reception, evening of Tuesday 24 October 2000


Contribution to costs of food and beverages.

Value: US$1,500

  • As for option D

(with banner to be displayed in reception room).


Temporary Equipment Loans ?Terminal Room


  • 5 workstations at APNIC hotel room from 24 October to 27 October 2000
  • Each with network card and DHCP configuration support
  • Preferred OS: NT or Linux
  • Preferred browser: IE or Netscape
  • "Sponsor" listing, with small logo, in conference program/website and welcome signage, and "sponsored by" acknowledgement in conference schedule.
  • Banner of reasonable size to be displayed in terminal room*.
  • 2 complimentary APNIC meeting registrations
  • 1 complimentary APNIC tutorial registration


Temporary Equipment Loans ?Wireless Network


  • Minimum of 24 Wireless network cards, for loan to conference attendees (on receipt of deposit/guarantee equal to sale price)
  • 2 or more base stations as required (10Base-T uplink)
  • Preferred formats: 802.11 2.4 GHz (DS) 2 Mb/s, 11 Mb/s 802.11 2.4 GHz (FH)
  • Technical assistance as required for installation, configuration and maintenance
  • As for option F
      • Opportunity to sell Wireless cards to conference attendees at an agreed discounted rate
    • (H)

      Internet Connection


      • Internet connection to conference centre from 24 to 27 October 2000 including routers and hubs for terminal room and wireless networks
      • approximately 24 fixed drops and 24 wireless
      • Requested bandwidth: 256Kbps
      • As for option G

      Exclusive or combined sponsorship option

      Monetary and/or combined

      Combination of two or more of the above contributions

      • Aggregate of applicable benefits, to be confirmed by discussion/negotiation

      * Banner to supplied by sponsor


      Sponsor Pledge Form ?APNIC Meeting

      Please complete these details email or fax your pledge to APNIC by Monday July 31, 2000. Upon a receipt of your pledge form, we will send you an invoice with payment instructions.

      This form is also available in Word and PDF versions.

      Name of organisation: _______________________________

      Contact name: _______________________________

      Title: _______________________________

      Email: _______________________________

      Postal address: _______________________________

      Phone number: _______________________________

      Fax number: _______________________________

      Sponsorship option/meeting (A-I): _______________________________

      Amount/ In-kind description: _______________________________


      In the case of two organisations requesting the same sponsorship option, we will accept pledges on a first-come first serve basis.

      Thank you for your support. APNIC will contact you shortly to discuss the details of your pledge.


      Returning this form



      APNIC Pty Ltd

      Attention Ms Kyoko Day

      + 61-7-3367-0482