Service Guideline Standards for Common Evaluation Principles
Ruri Hiromi, ip-wg, JPNIC
A proposal for making a guideline for the registries
I gave a presentation on the registries evaluation principles
at the last APNIC Policy-SIG in APRICOT2000.
In that presentation I raised the following contents.
- Make common principles for address allocation and it's goals.
- Define 5 basic principles.
In the result of our presentation at APRICOT2000, everyone
there agreed to make common principles but need to sophisticate
for the definition.
To refine the principles, we consider current problems
again beforehand, everyone seems to seek for the open
guidelines between RIR,NIR,and so on.
In this time, I will show the current problems and
needs for an open guideline. Then propose to make it
and what/how we can do.
Definition of the "guideline"
I think here seems some problems at NIR,LIR.
Why the current problems arrows? The differences of the
discretion at the hostmasters can be seen at the brand-new
service judgement.
I define this guideline as the guidance for judging cases. And
support the Policy paper from IR writing about detailed examples.
This guideline should be kept up-to-date, should be shared by
IRs and should be opened.
The aim of the guideline is;
- Stable address administration in an environment where
policy and technology see frequent changes
- consistency among APNIC, NIR and LIR hostmasters
(performance, decision, etc...)
- efficiency in address allocations and assignments
The points to be solved;
- Differences among IRs. ex.) the difference come from the situation of it's country, opinion about an application go to other countries.
- Approaches to the brand-new services ex.) CATV,ADSL, hosting service, etc.
- Approaches to the new technologies ex.) HTTP1.1, unclear definition to the DHCP/NAT, split-up network assignment
- The attitude toward the put of scope on the policy.
- Vague definition at not be interwared with business opportunities.
- Sandardization and sharing new rules.
- Equalled quality of the IR service
- Sharing the attitude and the way to contact to the applicant.
Making and Sharing the guideline
To make the guideline:
- Discuss on the mailing list. ex.) apnic-talk or making appropriate list.
- Setup a working group under APNIC.
5. Conclusion
Let's make guideline. Keep discussing on the working group or mailing list.
The following principles are proposed at APRICOT2000;
- Registries shall not interfere with business issues of the applications
- Registries shall not regard administrative ease on address assignments
- Registries shall gather minimum information necessary for evaluation of applications
- Requesters shall reply to any of the above information requests by all means but they are allowed to ask reasons of the requests by the registries
- Registries shall evaluate technologies for its procedures with a common standard before adoption.